Selma Çetin Bademli Selma Çetin Bademli

upper - intermediate level


In this lesson the students will briefly review the grammar of auxiliary verbs and practice the intonation required for responding appropriately to strange and unusual stories or news. The students will also practice pronunciation which will contribute to their fluency and ease of communication.


Abc Fill in gaps Auxiliary verb hand out (Pre-int, Unit 1, Cambridge university press)
Abc Match purpose to example hand out ( Pre-int, Unit 1, Cambridge university press)
Abc Audio CD track 12 and Track 14
Abc Reassemble dialogues hand out ( Pre-int, Unit 1, Cambridge university press)
Abc Video clip of the movie Harry Potter regarding Sybil Trelawney (Youtube)
Abc Are you psychic hand out ( Pre-int, Unit 1, Cambridge university press)

Main Aims

  • To practice using auxiliary verbs to express emphasis/differentiation/surprise/similarity.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice pronunciation: Intonation to respond appropriately to strange stories or news.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T will remind ss of the stories from the previous class. T will elicit details about the stories and vocabulary they remember. - T will elicit phrases for reacting to strange news. Eg. how/that's strange/bizarre/odd/weird/spooky. [Nominate small groups for discussion activity - ss will discuss which stories were the most spookiest]

Language Analysis/Listening Task (5-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- T will ask a student to read out the first line of the dialogue activity 1. - Students will listen to the audio to check their answers in pairs.

Gist LIstening (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

- Students will listen to the audio again for intonation. Match purpose to example. - Students will check their answers in pairs.

Pronunciation (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening task

Students will reassemble the dialogue that is cut up in language chunks. Students will listen to audio to check T will drill pronunciation.

Listening/speaking practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T will play video clip from Harry Potter regarding Sybil Trelawney to generate interest in the activity. T will elicit what Trelawney is doing/ how she is speaking. T will nominate students into pairs then model the first example and have the students interview each other using the questions.

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