Teaching Practice 8
Elementary level


In this lesson Ss will revise/ practise the target language "be/have" to describe family members in the context of an e-message. The lesson starts with reading for gist and detail. It is followed by language analysis and a controlled practice. Finally there is a semi-controlled practice in which Ss write to a pen pal an e-message describing the appearance of the people in their family.


Main Aims

  • To provide review/ clarification and practice of "be/have" to describe physical appearance of family members in the context of an e-message.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable Ss practise in reading for gist and detail, and in writing for fluency in the context of an e-message.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Greet Ss. - Tell Ss that you will start the lesson with a game. - Tell Ss that you will describe someone in the class and they will guess who s/he is. - Describe yourself. - Elicit the answers as WC

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text.

- Tell Ss that they have studied how to describe people in the previous lessons. - Show the reading handout to Ss and tell them that they will read an e-mail in which a girl describes some people. - Give Ss the handout. (Material A) - Tell Ss to complete the first part of the e-message with the words from the box in the handout and to tell who she is talking about. - Ss check their answers to see if they have similar answers. - Elicit as WC. - Ask Ss to read the second half of the e-message and decide if the sentences are true or false. - Model the first question. - Ss check their answers to see if they have similar answers. - Elicit the answers nominating.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- Tell Ss to turn their page down. - Write on the left of the board "IS" and on the right "HAS". - Randomly stick on the board the words that are used to describe people in the text. (Material B) - Model the first one. - Ask Ss to stand up and match the words with "IS" or "HAS". - Ss sit down.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- Ask Ss to look at the board, check their answers, and correct their mistakes in pairs. - Elicit the answers as WC. - Clarify meaning, form and pronunciation. (see grammar analysis sheet)

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- Show Ss the handout and clarify the instructions. - Answer the first question as a model. - Give the handout. (Material C) - Ss check their answer to see if their answers are the same. - Elicit the answers nominating.

Semi-Controlled Practice (13-15 minutes) • To concept check further

- Ask Ss if they remember the e-message of Barbara at the beginning of the lesson. - Show the handout to Ss, tell them that they will read another e-message of Barbara and answer the questions. - Give the handout to Ss. (Material D) - Ss do part A individually. - Ss check their answers to see if they have similar answers. - Elicit the answers nominating. - Clarify the instructions in part B. - Ss work individually. - Monitor, give immediate feedback to Ss, and note down sentences both with good language and with errors to examine on the board as WC in the feedback and error correction part. - Collect Ss' paper and stick them on the board. - Ask Ss to stand up, read the other student's e-message and see if they have similar information. - Elicit answers nominating

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- Write the sentences you noted down in the semi-practice part on the board. - Ask Ss to decide if they are correct or they have mistakes, and reformulate the incorrect ones.

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