Fatima Bastaki Fatima Bastaki

Speaking & Vocabulary (Life Stages)
Intermediate Level B2 level


Abc 7C Speaking & Vocabulary Exercise 1
Abc 7C Speaking & Vocabulary Exercise 2
Abc 7C Speaking & Vocabulary Exercise 3

Main Aims

  • To provide practice in the context of Age & Stages of life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Age groups and Life Stages.


Stage 1 • Lead in

Lesson starts off with introduction of teacher and recalling students' names. Pictures of people from different ages of life (related to the exercise) will be stuck to the WB and shown to students. Elicit from students how old each person is in terms of age range, write the guessed age ranges on WB and say them. Elicit from students to use the words in sentences.

Stage 2 • Introduction of Vocabulary to describe life stages in context

Students will be separated in small groups (3 per group), They will then be asked to think about person or age group that are bolded in the exercises. Cut-up sentences willl be handed to them and students must look at the sentences and discuss which person they represent. Ss will then be asked to come and write on the WB, stick the setences next to the appropriate pictures. Checking in for correct answers or mistakes are necessary at this stage. Checking with students about the meaning of the words (CCQ) and drilling the words with more difficult pronunciation.

Stage 3 • Controlled practice of vocab

Ss will then be asked to make sentences out of the words about the people they know. Monitoring and assistance with accuracy is neccessary. Students will then speak about the people they wrote about in pairs. Feedback will then be talked about with a few students.

Stage 4 • Introduction of Age-related adjectives

Students will be asked about what typical characteristics are of different age groups. Eliciting few ideas and writing them on WB under the pictures. Age-related adjectives will be written on the WB, in order to ask students to view the words and say what they know about them. Students should be encouraged to explain to each other if other student do not know. Explaination of words that are unknown to everyone. Students will then be placed in groups to discuss which adjective words are typical characteristics of the different age groups, in addition to the reasons chosen behind them. The whole class' feedback will then be encouraged to explain their choices.

Stage 5 • Freer speaking

Students will be asked on the advantages and disadvantages of each life stage. An example of an age group will be chosen to elicit a few ideas with the whole class. Then, students will be asked to work solo and make notes about the advantages and disadvantages of other life stages. After this activity, students will be placed in small gruops to discuss and compare their ideas. General feedback from the whole class will be taken.

Stage 6 • Freer speaking & personalization

Ss will be discussing and mingling in groups to talk about the questions revolving around the topic of their life stage and its advantages and disadvantages. Some stuednts will be asked about the discussion and general feedback will be asked on what they learned about each other. Errors can be written on the WB for correction if there is time.

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