Fatemeh Javedanmehr Fatemeh Javedanmehr

TP7.. Grammar in context of jobs
intermediate level


In this lesson, students are going to learn and use "used to" and "would". The lesson starts with reading a text about two people talking about their childhood dreams. Then a guided discovery to elicit the meaning and form from the students. Next a controlled practice to check students' understanding and the lesson ends with a freer practice.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of "used to" in the context of jobs and dreams

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students practice in reading for gist and specific information
  • to provide students an opportunity to speak for fluency and accuracy in the context of childhood dreams about jobs


Lead-in / warmer (5-6 minutes) • to engage the students and set the lesson context

1. students see a picture of some children dreaming and .. to elicit childhood dreams from the students to set the context of the reading text afterwards. 2. Students work in pairs talk about the picture. 3. Open class feedback.

Exposure - Reading (7-8 minutes) • to read for the gist and specific information in the context of childhood dreams, to expose students to the TL in a communicative way

1. Teacher shows the students the text along with the pictures (of two children fancy their dreams) and asks about the picture. 2. Students individually read the text to answer the two questions assigned ( one for gist, one for specific information). 3. Students check their answers with their partner (peer check). 4. Teacher nominate some students to give their answers and check it with the class. (class check)

Language focus (15-16 minutes) • to enable students to understand the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. Students get a handout with four sentences from the text. 2. Students find the sentences in the text and underline/highlight them. 3. Students complete guided discovery handout in pairs. 4. Teacher monitors and helps as necessary. 5. Teacher conducts open class feedback. 6. Teacher asks CCQs to check understanding of meaning. 7. Teacher elicits the form of the different structures onto the board. 8. Teacher wipes the board and tells students to turn their handouts over. 9. Teacher then models and drills example sentences chorally and individually. 10. Teacher corrects when necessary. 11. Teacher re-elicits the sentences that were drilled onto the board, eliciting sentence stress and the pronunciation of "used to".

controlled practice (gap-fill) (6-7 minutes) • To give students initial confidence using the target language. To allow students and teacher to check students have understood the target language.

1. Students receive a handout containing some fill-in-the-blanks sentences. 2. Students do the exercise individually. 3. Teacher monitors and helps as necessary. 4. Students check their answers with their partner. 5. Teacher elicits the answers on the board.

freer practice (speaking) (5-6 minutes) • to enable students to use the TL to speak about their childhood dreams

1. Teacher tells the students that they are going to talk about their childhood dreams. 2. Students get a handout containing a list of questions. 3. Students work in small groups talk and discuss their answers. 4. Teacher monitors and helps as necessary. 5. Teacher notes down some of the things students are saying.

feedback (4-5 minutes) • To give students feedback on their ability to communicate. To give students feedback on their language use.

1. Teacher asks students to share some of their answers. 2. Teacher writes examples of good language which students produced and language which needs further work on the board. 3. Pairs discuss the language, discussing how to correct or reformulate the language which needs more work. 4. Teacher praises students for the good language and elicits corrections and reformulations for the rest.

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