Nisha Nisha

vocabulary and indefinite articles
Elementary 1 level


In this lesson, students look at a picture of a room and identify the names of things used everyday. They then learn the use of indefinite articles, singular and plural nouns and focus on the pronunciation of the final -s or -es .


Abc Blue tack
Abc Board cards
Abc Board Markers
Abc Computer
Abc Pictures
Abc Projector
Abc Speakers
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of names of everyday things is the main aim of the lesson. Clarification, review and practice of the use of indefinite articles is the second aim of this lesson.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy in the pronunciation of -s and -es.


Warmer/Lead-in (10-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Elicit meaning of writer from the ss. Ask ss if they have heard of Roald Dahl. Ask if they have heard of ' Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', 'The Fantastic Mr. Fox' and Matilda. Tell ss that he is writes books for children. Focus on the picture and elicit names of objects. Read the list of things under 1a and ask ss to find the same things in the classroom.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Focus on exercise 1b. Show picture of desk and table to show the difference. Highlight the meaning of tick and cross. Explain that ss have to tick only what they see in the picture. Ask ss to check in groups. Monitor to check understanding . Show the answers. Clarify doubts and give feedback, if necessary.

Highlighting (15-20 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Page 151- Vocabulary Bank Things Elicit names of objects from ss. Ask ss to work in groups and complete the matching exercise . Demonstrate the first one on the board. Ask students to do the same for all the pictures. Elicit answers from the ss as an open group. Show the answers on the board.

Clarification (20-25 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

As clarification, error correction as well as introduction to the use of indefinite articles, illustrate the difference between singular and plural forms with pictures. Highlight the use of -a only before singular noun and the use of -s for the plural form. Show vowels on the flipchart and illustrate the use of -an before words that start with a vowel. Draw attention to the use of plural form for some words like scissors, glasses and sunglasses. Explanation: if something has two parts ( point to the pictures and show), we use the plural form. Eg: glasses. Highlight the use of -es for the plural form of words that end with ch, ss, x, sh. match/ class/ box/ wash. Highlight the change in form of words that end with a -y. It changes to ies. Focus on pronunciation- exercise 3a.

Controlled Practice (12-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Focus on exercise 2a. Ask ss to complete the exercise in pairs. Check answers as an open group. Play mystery box in groups. How many things can you name? Error correction and feedback as an open group.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Rearrange group. Turn to the vocabulary bank on page 151. Ask ss to work together. Ask and answer. Eg: What is number 3? Answer: a laptop. Now the ss who answered will ask the next question, what is number 5? Instruct ss to use a/ an/ - for the pictures. Error correction and feedback. Focus on exercise 4 b. Instruct ss to listen to 3 people speak and answer one question : Are their tables tidy? Focus on 4 C. Listen again and tick the things they have. Demonstrate 1 or 2.

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Focus on exercise 4d. Pair ss. Ask ss what things they have a desk/ table at home? Is the desk tidy or not. Demonstrate with a strong ss. On my desk, I have a lamp, a diary, a laptop, a printer and pens. It is not tidy. Ask ss to answer the questions now. Ask ss to work together. Ask and answer the same question.

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