Shuaibu Umar Doggi Shuaibu Umar Doggi

Speaking (Productive Skills)
B2 level


In this lesson, SS will be able to use idioms and learn to use it in sentences in the context of money. SS will practice fluency and accuracy in speaking and also improve on some vocabularies.


Abc Hand Out

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a idioms in the context of in the context of money

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of idioms in the context of money


Warmer/Lead-in (7-9 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T presents some pictures to illustrate the topic of the day which is "MONEY". T puts 3 or 4 pictures of people with money around and T asks SS to guess what the topic is of the day is. Subsequent to the prediction, T classifies some ideas about money; Importance, time and waste. At this stage, SS still have no idea about the lesson's TL, therefore, T tries to breakdown some concepts so that SS can guess the meaning of the TL which is IDIOMS. So T starts with time and clearly writes on the WB (Time is money). T uses drawing to illustrate. T explains briefly about the meaning and further leads to the second point which is Importance (money makes the world go round/ Put your money where your mouth is/ Money talks). Then with waste (money burns a hole in their pocket) (there's one law for the rich another for the poor). SS are to interpret from the underlined words on the Wb, the meaning of the phrases and what it is called. SS are to work in pairs and think of a story that is related to the proverbs. T anticipates a problem student might encounter. The difference between an idiom and a proverb. T gives a quick explanation of both by the use of CCQs and examples such as; Idioms - a phrase/sentence that have different meaning from what the actual words say; such as - "its raining cats and dogs" "by the skin of my teeth". Proverb- generally gives advice on how to behave or express something such true such as; "haste makes waste" "an apple a day keeps the doctors away" "first come, first served".... Just a quick clarification.

Preparing to Speak (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T hands SS (HO1) which contains a bunch of idioms about the topic of the day "money". SS are supposed to group the idioms in the box of a, being rich b, being poor SS have one minute to complete ths taks. T's main purpose is to see if SS are familiar with the idioms based on the context of the book. SS them compare their answers with a partner before WC check. T clarifies any meaning or definition SS have difficulties with. such anticipated phrases might be; -hard up --- When sth is hard, and when sth is up, Put them together what does it mean? Difficult situation. -in the red ---- when sth is in danger what happens? when you check your account balance and see red? -live hand to mouth/ on the breadline---- desperately poor - in the lap of luxury ---- living big and wealthy

Useful Language (3-5 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T presents SS with another (HO2). This hand out is to get SS involved in the practical use of the idioms expressed in the previous stage of the lesson. T gives instruction to SS to replace the words in bold letters with the appropriate form of expression in HO1. SS compare their answers a partner.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T groups SS accordingly; Apples and Oranges. In this stage, T plans to practice accuracy and fluency with SS. T instructs all Apples to make a circle and face outwards and oranges to face every apple. Then T instructs SS to ask and answer the questions from HO2. T shuffles the group and the conersation goes on for about 3-5 minutes. Furthermore, T presents HO3. T instructs SS to work in pairs and read the sentences in the list. These sentences are about the top ten ways to make money. T instructs Ss to work with a partner and add three more ideas that they think can help make more money. SS then discuss which idea is the a. quickest b. hardest work c. the most unlikely way to make money Then T asks to which of the ideas they would choose to make money.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

During all tasks, T monitors effectively and takes notes on some correction SS need. As error correction is an important part of this lesson. T will pay attention to the fluency of SS during the feedback stage and during monitoring and correct all pronunciation if necessary, also T drills all sentences to make sure SS understand.

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