Tugce Tartıcı Tugce Tartıcı

The world's most amazing hotels
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, sts are going to read about two unusual hotels in the world. The lesson starts with a matching activity in which sts are going to match the words with their definitions.Next, the teacher is going to divide the class into two groups. Each group is going to read about one hotel and answer the questions. Then, students are going to pair up with someone from the other group, ask the questions in ex 3 to find out about his/her partner's hotel. If time allows, sts are going to compare both hotels.


Abc Google images
Abc Redston and Cunningham (2005) Face2Face Pre-Intermediate, CUP
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images
Abc Google images

Main Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about the world's amazing hotels

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of holiday words in the context of travel


Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • To activate schemata and engage the ss.

The sts are going to discuss three questions about their past travel experiences by working in groups of three and share the interesting answers with the class.

Pre-Reading (8-9 minutes) • to pre teach vocabulary to prepare sts for reading

Sts are going to work in groups and match the words with their definitions. Later, they are going to check the answers. Also the teacher is going to check for understanding of some words such as adventure, shipwreck, go snorkelling, diving, staff drill and write them on the board identifying their part of speech and stress. “If you go on safari in Africa, will it be an adventure?” Yes “If you go to Migros to buy milk, will it be an adventure? No

While-Reading #1 (7-8 minutes) • to provide sts with a less challenging task to read for specific information

The teacher is going to divide the class into two groups and pass the HOs around facedown. Group A is going to read about Ariau Amazon Towers. Group B is going to read about Jules' Undersea Lodge. All the sts are going to answer the same questions with regard to their articles.

While-Reading #2 (8-9 minutes) • to exhchange information to find out about the other article (jigsaw reading)

The teacher is going to tell them to work with a student from the other group, take turns to ask and answer the questions in the previous stage. The teacher is going to have them stand face to face and pair them up. Then, they are going to check the answer key on the board.

While-Reading #3 (5-6 minutes) • to read for detail

The sts are going to work in the same pairs and answer the questions to compare the differences between the hotels. Then, they are going to check the answers with the WC.

Post- Reading (5-8 minutes) • to have sts talk about what they have read and practice their productive skills

In pairs, sts are going to discuss which hotel is better for a holiday.

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