Lindita ELP Lindita ELP

TP4 - Changes
Beginner, A2 level


In this lesson students learn to read for meaning, to talk about past events as well as review singular and plural nouns.


Abc Course book English Unlimited Elementary
Abc White board and markers
Abc Realia

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about past events in the context of changes in technology

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of grammar and plurals in the context of technology.


Lead in and Pre-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I use realia, show the sts my mobile phone, laptop and ipod - all are examples of modern technology. I ask sts: 1. "Do you have a mobile? What do you use it for?" 2. "Do you use a laptop? How big is it?" 3. "Do you have a personal music player? Where do you use it?" To depict older versions of technology I show pictures (slideshow) . I discuss with the students what these items are and what they represent. "How often do you use the laptop/mobile/ipod?" "Do you always have it with you?" "Do you ever turn it off?" "How do you feel when you don't have it?" VOCABULARY I elicit and write these words on the WB: "INVENTION, 1970s, COMPANY, EXPENSIVE, CHEAP, HEADPHONES, CASSETTE" - elicit and discuss these words. Having distinguished between modern and first technology now I distinguish tenses present and past simple.

While-Reading 1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

I set sts in PAIRS. READING FOR MAIN IDEA I write the following 2 sentences on the WB : 1. "Mobiles, laptops and personal music player were inventions of the 1970s." 2. "They were all very expensive." I give the students the HOs and ask them what they think are the sentences on the WB true or false. They have 1 minute to do this and discuss with their partner. ICQs: "What do you have to do?" "How many minutes do you have?" ----------------- Then divide the class into two groups - LAPTOPS and MOBILES. I ask ONE student from MOBILES to answer the first sentence and the other group should say whether they agree or not and why. This should make the sts speak to each other and check their comprehension and attention. We establish that both sentences are true however we must check them. READING FOR DETAIL Now I regroup the sts into three groups: MOBILES, LAPTOPS, MUSIC PLAYERS I ask them to again read the text and this time find the details in the text and complete the exercise 3. They have 5 minutes. ICQs: "what do you have to do first ? Will you talk or read? " After reading what will you do? " Will you talk or write?" I monitor each group to see whether they are reading and taking notes, generally be available in case of questions. Then each group gives me feedback on their answers.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

To encourage discussion and further comprehension check I ask more questions to each group: "When could you buy the first mobile phone?" In 1983 "Who bought the first laptops?" The US Government "Why couldn't Andreas Pavel sell his idea?" Because directors of electronic companies told him that people don't want to wear headphones and listen to music in public. "Were they right?" NO ---------------------- I write following words on the WB and ask sts their plural or singular version Thing (ThingS) (year) yearS Cassette (CassetteS) University (UniversitIES) Company (CompanIES) Person PEOPLE THING Then I explain the RULES OF SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS I give sts PRACTICE EXERCISE, They have 3 minutes to complete and when they are finished they can check their answers hung on the classroom walls.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Students are again regrouped but with the same titles but starting from the opposite direction and each group is instructed to make a list of other things that are different today from the past. I give them 3 minutes to make their list. Then I ask each group to give me at least 2 items and I build the list on the WB. In that process I ask questions, when, what for, who invented.

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