Alireza Yazdian Alireza Yazdian

Across cultures
Elementary level


In this lesson, ss learn vocabulary related to different conversation topics through listening for specific information, speaking for fluency and making a list of conversation dos and don'ts in their groups. They also review adverbs of frequency as well as imperatives.


Abc Handouts
Abc PC
Abc WB and markers

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about conversation dos and donts in the context of cultures
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of adverbs of frequency/imperatives


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I start the lesson with an anecdote about when I asked a lady how old she was. Then I ask ss to tell me if they think it was a good question to ask. I try to elicit the words "age" and "polite" and ask them CCQs, drill them and put them on the board. "Yesterday, I saw a lady, I think she was about 40 years old, we talked and I asked her: How old are you?, she was very angry! Do you think it was a good question? No, not OK! " I think it's not OK to ask a woman her.......(age) CCQ: How do you ask someboedy's age? (How old are you?) "You know I'm a very good boy, I never say something bad, I'm really P......(polite) CCQ: I'm polite so do I talk loudly with my father? No Do I ask bad questions? No"

Pre-Listening (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I project the picture related to "money" on the board and get ss to choose one word out of three to describe it. (2 mins) Then I give out the HOs, asking them to match the pictures with the words. Before distributing HOs, however, I demo the activity myself. For the FB, I let them see the answers on the WB. (5 mins) Next, we check the pronunciations. (3 mins)

While-Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information listening tasks

I introduce Ruth to ss. "we're going to listen to Ruth. She's from the UK. Listen and check which topics she thinks are OK and which topics are not OK to talk about with people we dont know very well" I give out the HO and ss listen to the recording twice and check the items. (4-6 mins) Before the FB, ss check their answers in pairs. For the FB, I get one of the ss to come to WB and tick the correct answers. I do the same with Amina. (4 mins)

While-Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

I give ss the scrtipts with blanks in them to fill out. First, I demo the exercise. (2 mins) They listen to each recording two more times and for the FB, I give the answers to each group. (6-8 mins)

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned as well as reviewing imperatives and adverbs of frequency

I have ss make a list of conversation dos and donts for Turkey as advice to me. First, I give ss some sample sentences myself. "I come to Turkey, I dont konw what is polite and what is not OK to ask, please in your groups, talk and make a list of things that are OK and not Ok, for example: Talk about the weather, Don't ask about money." I put ss in different groups and have each group discuss and come up with a list. Finally, different groups compare their answers.

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