Mukaddes Özcan Mukaddes Özcan

Neighbours, Reading and Speaking
Pre-Intermediate Level level


In this lesson, Ss will learn about the celebrities life and improve their speaking with TL in the context of the neighbours.


Main Aims

  • To provide Ss practice in reading for spesific information and detail in the context of who you'll like as a neighbour

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to understand vocabulary items related to neighbours
  • To enable Ss to practice speaking skills in the context of the neighbours


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To get the Ss interested in the topic.

T gets Ss to count off to make groups of two. T says Ss will play a game and explains the rules and gives an example. T shows pictures which are the parts of targeted language and take parts throughout the lesson such as celebrity, politicians pictures and the like. Ss will guess what these pictures are. T asks CCQs for the pictures if s/he cannot get answers T asks for each picture and groups answer. The group which gives quickest and right answer will get the point. The group who knows better will be the winner of the game. T leaves the pictures on the board.

Speaking 1/Lead-In: Introducing the theme (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through speaking/listening

T draws a simple box diagram on the board by showing Ts' inmediate neighbourhood. T tells that S/he will talk about her/his neighbours, where they live, their names,whether T see them often, etc. T demonstrates the activity. T gives the HO1 Ss to write T's house and flat numbers in the relevant box. T gets Ss make notes about T's neighbours, by writing each note in the appropriate box. T allows Ss time for peer-checking. T checks answers by eliciting from the Ss as a whole class. If it was needed T could nominate.

Speaking 1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through speaking/listening

T asks Ss to repeat the same activity with a partner by drawing new diagrams showing the area near their own homes. T demonstrate to clarify the exercise with the help of ICQs. T gives Ss HO2. T monitors to make sure Ss will use the questions. T gets feedbacks from Ss.

Lead-in Reading (2-3 minutes) • To engage Ss in the topic of the lesson

T asks Ss questions as connecting with the pictures on the board from previous activity. - Which side of Istanbul would you like to live in? Asian or European? Why? -Which district of Istanbul would you like to live in? Why? -What kind of neighbours would you like to have ? Why? T asks Ss and share ideas as a whole class. T pays attention to use the similar vocabulary from the article like fashionable, famous and etc.

Initial Reading (5-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for general understanding of the reading

T tells Ss to scan the article to find out quicly for the right order of the items appear in the text. T gives tips for quick scanning by demonstrating the activitiy. Ss work individually. T hands out the article and the HO3 for Ss to order. T sets a time limit. T monitors to make sure Ss understand the task .

Peer Check (2-3 minutes) • to boost Ss confidence and encourage peer learning

T asks Ss work in pair to check their answers to see if they are agree and share reasons T monitors Ss doing the right thing and takes notes to focus on feedback.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • to check Ss have understood the text and for Ss to confirm answers

Ss shares answers with whole class T ellicits answers from Ss and asks if they are agree and share reasons.

Reading for Detail (8-10 minutes) • to enable Ss to develop reading skills for detailed information

T tells Ss to read the text to find out the answers on HO4. Ss work in groups of 5 or 4 depending on the numbers of the students. T hands out the exercise. T sets a time limit. T monitors to make sure Ss understand the task .

Peer Check (1-2 minutes) • to boost Ss confidence and encourage peer learning

T asks Ss work in pairs to check their answers to see if they are agree and share reasons T monitors Ss doing the right thing and takes notes to focus on feedback.

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • to enable Ss to share ideas with the rest of the class

Ss share ideas with the class. T shows the answers. T can use CCQ to clarify Ss' understanding.

Follow up Speaking Task (1-2 minutes) • to allow Ss to respond to text, give their opinion and practice speaking skills

T shows 4 pictures of the celebrities onto the board and asks Ss; "Which famous person in the article would you like as your neighbour?" Why? T nominates and take notes

Feedback (1-2 minutes) • To enable students to notice gaps between their own developing knowledge of the language and English itself

T asks Ss ideas T corrects common errors Ss produced and give useful language that Ss needed during speaking. .

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