Osman Osman

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students practice their speaking and listening skills in the context of news.


Abc HO1

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of news
  • To provide gist listening practice using a story about tiger in the context of news

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about the news stories in the context of news


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T displays the Picture 1 on the whiteboard using the overhead projector. T asks the students " WHAT DO YOU THINK THE QUOTE MEANS? DO YOU AGREE WITH IT?".

Useful Language (5-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T shows the students HO1 T tells them "LOOK AT THE WORDS CHECK THEIR MEANINGS IF YOU KNOW THEIR MEANINGS SHARE THEM WITH YOUR PARTNER TELL ME THE WORDS YOU DON'T KNOW". T ask the students "WHAT DO YOU DO". T groups the students in pairs. If the students tell the words they don't know, T writes them on the board. T elicits the meanings. T writes if the words are noun or adjective. T writes sentences using the word. T drills the pronunciation with the students.

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T shows the students HO 2. T tells the students " LOOK AT THE LIST THINK ABOUT IT AND DISCUSS WITH YOUR PARTNER" T asks the students ICQ "WHAT DO YOU DO". T gives the students HO 2 T monitors the students. T asks the students " HOW DO YOU FIND OUT THE LATEST NEWS? WHICH SECTIONS DO YOU READ? WHICH SECTION DO YOU SKIP?".

Productive Task 1 (13-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T shows the students HO 3. T tells the students "LOOK AT THE PICTURE. THINK WHAT THE STORY IS ABOUT. AND DISCUSS WITH YOUR PARTNER". T asks the students ICQ "WHAT DO YOU DO". T monitors the students and elicit some ideas. T checks if they make errors, notes them. T asks the students "WHAT IS THE STORY ABOUT" T writes the error sentences on the board and tells them "THESE NEED A BIT OF CORRECTION", and asks the students "CAN YOU CORRECT THEM FOR ME" T tells the students " I WILL PLAY THE AUDIO ABOUT THE PICTURE. LISTEN TO THE REAL STORY". T asks the students "WHAT IS THE REAL STORY?". T asks the students "WHO GUESSED IT". T showes the students HO 4. T tells the students " READ THE QUESTIONS. I PLAY THE AUDIO AGAIN. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS INDIVIDUALLY". T plays the audio tape. T checks the answers and gives the key.

Productive Task 2 (17-17 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T shows the students HO 5. T tells the students "LOOK AT THE PICTURES. THINK WHAT TWO STORIES ARE ABOUT. DISCUSS WITH YOUR PARTNER". T asks the students "WHAT DO YOU DO?". T gives the students HO 5. T monitors them and elicit some ideas. T takes notes if the students make errors. T asks the students "WHAT DO YOU THINK THE SORIES ABOUT?". T groups the students as A's and B's and asks the students "WHO ARE A'S? WHO ARE B'S? T tells the students "A'S SIT TOGETHER. B'S SIT TOGETHER". T tells the students "READ THE STORY. EVERYBODY WILL WRITE THE KEY INFORMATION". T asks the students "WHAT DO YOU DO". T gives the students HO 6 and HO 7 T monitors the students and take notes if the students make errors. T tells the students to go back to their partners. T tells the students " SHARE THE INFORMATION WITH YOUR PARTNER".

Feedback and Error Correction (2-2 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T writes the error sentences on the board and asks the students to correct them

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