Faraz RoshaniZand Faraz RoshaniZand

Faraz . TP6 . 10 Oct 2016
Intermediate . A2/B1 level


In this lesson, Students will learn how to give advice with should/must. The teaching technique which will be used is guided discovery. Students will read some problems and some advice they have to match them. After that, MFP will be covered and then they practice the target language in a controlled practice. In the end, students will activate the target language in a freer practice.


Abc HO1
Abc WB
Abc HO2
Abc HO3
Abc HO4
Abc Audio script in case the audio does not work.
Abc HO5

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of should/must in the context of giving advice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of giving advice.
  • To provide gist reading practice using two texts about problems and advice.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

After greeting and everything the teacher will ask this question: If I have a problem where should I get the answer or advice? Then the teacher will try to elicit the ways of getting advice, especially asking in newspaper and online forum. Finally, the teacher will move to the next stage.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The teacher will show the students HO1 and ask them to work in groups and read the problems and advice and match them together. While they are doing so, the teacher will monitor to make sure everybody is doing the right task. After all, the teacher will write the answers on the WB and ask the students if they agree. Answer key: A) 3 Mark ,B) 2 Paula ,C) 4 Billy ,D)1 Tracy

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The teacher will tell the students that today's focus and lesson is 'should/must for giving advice'. Then ask them to read Advice from Annie and find some examples of should and must. The teacher will write below sentences on the whiteboard to use them later on for drilling. 1.You must prepare well. 2.You should show him this letter. Finally, he will move to the next stage.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

First, the teacher will show the students HO2 and tell them there are some sentences at the top of the HO that are from the texts they have just read. Then, the teacher will give the students HO2 and ask them to work in their groups and read the sentences again and put must/should in the gaps. Once they are done, the teacher will elicit the FB from the WC. After exercise A, the teacher will ask the students to work together and put the sentences in the correct column (exercise B). Again the FB will be elicited from the WC. These two exercises (A and B) will cover the meaning. When there is no question and everyone is clear about the meaning, the teacher will check if the students know what 'infinitive without to' means. Next, the teacher will ask the students to work in groups and put the words in the box into the gaps. Again the FB will be elicited from the WC. Afterwards, the teacher will get the students answer the questions in exercise D. (answer to both of them is NO.) Again the FB will be elicited from the WC. These two exercises (C and D) will cover the form. In the next step, the teacher will drill the sentences which is on the WB from highlighting stage. (the teacher will focus on must and tell the students we don't usually pronounce 't'.) At the end, the teacher will ask the students to read the NOTE and ask if anyone has a question. During all the activities, the teacher will monitor to make sure all the students are on the right track.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher will regroup the students with numbering technique and show the students HO3 and tell them to fill the gaps with the given words. Once they are all done, the teacher will them to listen and check their answers with the audio. before playing the audio, the teacher will tell the students that the recording is in different order from the advice in the exercise. While students are doing the activity, the teacher will monitor to provide them with some help if needed and correct the students if necessary.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher will show the students HO4 and ask them to work in groups and give some advice to people with problems in the HO. While they are doing so, the teacher will have a paper and a pen ready to write down students' errors to provide them delayed error correction. Moreover, the teacher will monitor to make sure students are using the target language of the day and help them if they need. The teacher will play the audio as FB. Finally, the teacher will write the errors on the WB and correct them with the help of students (delayed error correction).

If time activity (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher will show the students HO5 and tell them to work together and fill the gaps. He will monitor to see if everybody is involved in each group. Then, the teacher will elicit the FB

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