Mohamed Khalaf Mohamed Khalaf

3 communication workshops
elementary level


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Main Aims

  • students will be better able to write an advert for a penfriend and practise linking sentences with (and ).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a roleplay in the context of meeting new people at a party


Lead-in • To set lesson context and engage students

. _Reviewing homework ( feedback and correcting mistakes). _Exercise 2 _Read aloud the instructions and check that students understand what to do. _Read aloud the advert. Explain or encourage students to guess the meaning of new words, e.g. gender, male, occupation, science-fiction. _ Students work individually, reading the advert again and deciding if they would like to reply to Russell. Remind students to think of their reasons. _ As a class or in groups, students say whether they would like to reply to Russell and explain their reasons.

Exposure • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Exercise 2 - Ask students to look at the advert and read out the (four) sentences containing and. - Students do the exercise, rewriting sentences 1-4 using and. - Check students’ answers by asking individuals to read aloud the sentences Answers (1 )I'm sixteen and I live in Bristol .( 2 )I play football and basketball .(3) I like Russell Crowe and Viggio Mortensen. (4) My dad is a doctor and my mum is a teacher. option :- Ask students to look at sentence 4 in their answers. Write on the board: 1 I/play my friend/play 2 I/like my friend/like 3 I/hate my friend/hate 4 I/live my fiiend/live - Give students time to make sentences about themselves joining ideas with and. Give one or two examples, e.g. I like football and my friend likes swimming. I play the piano and my friend plays the guitar. - In turn, each student says two sentences for the class to hear.

Productive Task 1 • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Stage1 Elicit the ten headings in Russell's advert from the class. Students copy the headings. - Look at Writing Help 1 on page 132 with the class. Read through the Useful Vocabulary section. Students write their own information for each of the ten headings. Monitor and help individuals where necessary. Stage 2 - Students check their writing for spell - the use of the Present Simple, capital letters and full stops, and the use of and. If you wish, students can work in pairs, co-operating in checking their adverts.

Feedback and Error Correction • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- Collect the email adverts from the students. - Read the adverts out in turn for the class to guess the student. Do not read out the name or email address of the student. If you are short of time, read out only the information under sports/hobbies, favourites and comments for the class to guess the student. - At the end of the activity, return the adverts to the students for use in the Speaking Workshop.

Productive Task 2

- Read through all the Stages with the class so that students get an overview of the activity. Stage I I Read aloud the example 'false' information (about Adam) in the Talkback. Elicit one or two suggestion from the class for other false information, e.g. favourite singer or film. - Students work individually, reading their own advert and adding one thing that is not true. Stage 2 - Students read the Function File on page 17. Students may find it helpful to listen to the recording again, paying attention to the speakers’ stress and intonation. - Students practise saying the expressions quietly to themselves or to their neighbour. Stage 3 - Elicit ideas of different types of parties from the students, e.g. birthday, end-of-term. Students work in groups of four or five. Each group decides what sort of party they are at. - Students act out the roleplay in their groups. Remind students to include their false information in their conversations with other people at the party. Go round and monitor the activity as the students are working, but do not interrupt students’ fluency. Make a note of any general language problems to go over with the class afterwards.


Each group tells the class what they think the false information was for each student in their group. The student then tells them if they are correct, and if they are not correct gives them the answer.


exercises (3&4) powerbook

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