Michael Paduano Michael Paduano

Teaching Practice 2b
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students develop their skimming, scanning, and contextual guessing reading skills through reading a short text (six paragraphs) about celebrity/hero worship. The reading activities will also build their vocabulary. Students will also complete speaking activities to practice speaking for fluency. The lesson starts with a brief discussion about celebrities and heroes. This is followed by two speaking activities that will develop the context of celebrities/heroes and move it toward the concept of celebrity/hero worship. Next, a brief set of discussion questions will get students thinking about the reading topic. Students then complete three reading activities: a jumbled paragraphs activity and a ‘find the best title’ activity to practice skimming; and matching given definitions with words from the text to practice scanning, contextual guessing, and to build vocabulary. Finally, we will conduct a class discussion to review the material from tonight.


Abc Whiteboard
Abc LP 2b Reading Handout

Main Aims

  • To develop students’ reading skills by practicing scanning, skimming, and contextual guessing through the context of a short article about celebrity/hero worship.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop students’ vocabulary. To provide students with fluency practice in the context of conversations about celebrities/heroes.


Warmer/Lead-In (3-4 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage students/activate schemata.

I place a number of photographs on the WB and ask students whether they recognize any of them. It is not likely that they do, since they are all quite old and not very well-known. I explain that they are all people who I admire and who I want to be like in some way, eliciting the idea of heroes. Next I place more photographs on the WB, this time of modern North American actors, singers, and athletes, and I elicit the term 'celebrities' and the idea of whether celebrities can be heroes.

Speaking Activity 1 (5-6 minutes) • To give students practice in speaking for fluency

I tell students that in a moment I will give them a handout. I explain that in groups they are to discuss the questions on the front of the handout and that after they will share their ideas as a class. I have adapted this activity from the textbook by turning it into a group activity. Since these questions are more open-ended, I think that group work will facilitate a more productive discussion than pair work. After giving them a few minutes to talk amongst themselves I take general class FB.

Speaking Activity 2 (5-6 minutes) • To continue giving students practice in speaking for fluency and to develop the lesson context more specifically toward the reading topic.

I tell students that now we are going to think about our own favorite celebrities and heroes. I tell them that in a moment they are going to get another handout and that in pairs they are going to ask each other questions. I divide the class into pairs and label each student either A or B. After I give students the handout, I explain it more thoroughly, telling them that they are to ask an additional three questions to find out more detail if their partner answers 'yes' to the initial question. We complete the first example together so that I can show them the kinds of questions they might ask. After letting them complete the questions I take WC FB, asking students to tell me something they learned about another student.

Pre-Reading (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the lexis in the reading text and to get them thinking about the topic.

I recall the previous activity's questions and ask students whether they think this sort of behavior can become dangerous, eliciting the terms 'obsessed' and 'worship'. Next, I tell students that they will be reading a short article and ask them what they think it will be about. I will give FB during this task: since the next activity is 'jumbled paragraphs' and students won't be reading the text straight through the first time, I want them to have the proper context to work with the text.

Reading Activities - Skimming (10-11 minutes) • To give students practice in skim reading.

I give each student a copy of the jumbled paragraphs handout and ask them to work individually to arrange them in their proper order. I tell them that they must read quickly and that they only have 3 minutes to complete the task. I have adapted the reading text to make it shorter and to include more logically connected sentences between certain paragraphs. Next, I ask the students to peer-check their answers with the person next to them and then we take FB as a WC to determine the correct order. Next, I ask students to quickly read the article again. When they have finished I give them the reading handout and ask them to work in pairs to choose the best titles for each paragraph as well as the best title for the article itself. Although this is exercise 1 in the textbook, I have chosen to make it the second reading exercise because I wanted to give the students a chance to skim read it in the right order. After they have completed the handout we take WC FB.

Reading Activity - Scanning (6-7 minutes) • To improve scanning skills, contextual guessing skills, and to build vocabulary.

I tell students to turn over their handouts and to work individually to match the definitions with words in the text. I have adapted this activity by choosing not to highlight the words in the text (instead I will tell them the paragraph that the word appears in to help them). I have also added an extra word. In this way, students will be better able to develop their scanning and contextual guessing skills. Contextual guessing is also an effective way to present new vocabulary. After a few minutes I have students peer-check their answers. Next, we take WC FB and I write the words on the WB as they correctly identify them. I mark out word stress and we practice pronunciation wherever students have difficulties.

Post-Reading (7-8 minutes) • To help students improve their productive speaking skills for fluency

I will lead the students in a class discussion, beginning with the example 4 question in Straightforward Student's Book, and then continuing with my own questions, drawing from the vocabulary and other material from the lesson's reading text.

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