John Coen John Coen

Teaching Practice 2 : John Coen
Upper intermediate level


The students will have a lesson on adjective order by the means of guided discovery on the topic of celebrity heroes. This lesson will consist various tasks which will involve the students speaking in pairs or small groups. This should enable the students to facilitate peer group interaction in English. The students will provide feedback to the class with their ideas.


Abc Kerr, K. & Jones, C. 2007, Straightforward: upper intermediate student's book, MacMillan
Abc Kerr, K. & Jones, C. 2007, Straightforward: upper intermediate workbook, MacMillan
Abc Scrivener, J. 2011, Learning Teaching: The essential guide to English language teaching, MacMillan
Abc Scrivener, J., et al. S. 2007, Straightforward: upper intermediate teacher's book, MacMillan

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of adjective order in the context of celebrity heroes and everyday objects

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice with conversation in the context of celebrity heroes and everyday objects


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Use flashcards and ask students to create as many adjectives as they want to describe the item on the card.

Exercise 1 (5-8 minutes) • To provide an interactive task for the whole group

The 9 sentences provided are to be rearranged into the correct order. The first 2 sentences will be done with the W/C. 4 people will come up with the words and be rearranged by the rest of the class. The remaining 7 sentences will be handed out to pairs or small groups to rearrange in correct order. They will be posted on white board. Wait until Exercise 2 for any corrections to be done.

Exercise 2 (4-5 minutes) • To highlight and clarify the previous exercise

Students read the texts on celebrity heroes and decide if the sentences in exercise 1 need correcting. 3 minutes scanning text. 2 minutes to make any corrections to exercise 1. Ask students if they have any questions related to text.

Exercise 3 (4-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Website screen shot, price list: Check students know all the vocabulary listed. Ask students to mark the place in sentences where they think the adjective should go. Then ask whole class to provide feedback.

Exercise 4 (7-11 minutes) • To provide students with opportunity to be creative

Have the students place a number of adjectives into adjective categories. The categories will be placed on the wall. (Yellow paper). Then introduce adjective order guidelines, write these in order on the whiteboard. Give students a hand-out as an aide memoir. This aide may help with, opinion, size, shape, age, colour, origin, material and other. Pair students asking them to think of noun and to then use as many adjectives as possible to describe the noun.

Exercise 5 (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with opportunity to be creative with vocabulary

The students will be divided into two groups. Each group will have 2 bags, one with nouns and one with numbers ranging 2-5. They pick a noun from one bag and a number from the other bag, the number designates the number of adjectives they should use to describe the noun.

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