Banan Shams Banan Shams

Why Not Move To.......?
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will practice the techniques of reading which are reading for gist, and reading for details. Ss are going to find pairs of adjectives that mean the opposite. T will provide clarification and practice of adjectives in the context of city life.


Abc New Total English- Intermediate(page 40-41)
Abc HO#1
Abc Projector
Abc Smart Board
Abc White Board
Abc HO#2

Main Aims

  • Reading for gist and reading for details in the context of places.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary


Lead-in. (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show pictures of my trip to Seoul and pictures of some other cities, and I will elicit city life description (1 min). I will put Ss in groups of 3 and get them to brainstorm some adjectives which describe city life. Whole class feedback.

Pre-Reading (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

As pair work, I will distribute HO#1 contains adjectives and opposites, and ask them to match. In the same group, they compare their answers (2 min). I will monitor.I will write on the board: What do you think makes a city good or bad to live in? I will ask ss to write the answers and then they should mention a city/ies they think it's good or bad(2 min) On the board I will write: London is very dirty because of rubbish everywhere; but Zurich is very clean. In pairs, I will ask them to discuss their answers(2 min).I will give Ss copies of page 40 of the SB ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess where are these places(1 min). I will ask Ss to try to describe the pictures(2 min). I will do the demonstration by saying: The city in the first picture is clean and picturesque. I will ask Ss to read the title and try to predict the topic(1 min). Whole class feedback.

While-Reading. (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with reading for gist task.

I will ask Ss to read the passage for 2 min and answer: Does it mention any of the cities you thought of in the previous task? Compare your answers in pairs. Ex:9

While-Reading #2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks.

I will hand out HO#2 which is find a city or cities which has/have....... Ss will read again for 3 min and answer. Ss work alone. I monitor. Ss check in their groups. W/C F/B but answers aren't confirmed yet. I will re-group Ss into pairs. Ss peer-check with new partner. Peers are given answer keys to check their answers.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I will regroup Ss and then I will write on the board and ask Ss to write down answers of this question: Would you ever move to these cities? Why/Why not?. They have to discuss the answers in pairs and then in groups.

Delayed Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To focus on accuracy following the fluency stage.

I will write some examples of good and bad language observed while monitoring throughout the follow up activity. Ss work in groups to decide which are good and bad examples and how to correct the incorrect.

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