Nicole Liao Nicole Liao

TP4 CELTA Istanbul 2016.09.29
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice reading, speaking, and learn some new vocabulary within the context of the environment. At the beginning, they will predict and discuss what the topic is about, and then they will do a quiz to see how eco-guilty they are. After that, students will discuss with their peers about the topic and compare their opinions. Later student will read the article "The carbon crime of our century". They will do prediction first to guess what the article is about. Then they will do three exercise: read for gist, read for detail, and a vocabulary task. When they read for detail, they will also learn vocabulary through guided discovery. Throughout these exercises, students will be speaking to each other a lot by doing pair-work, peer-checking, peer-teaching and peer-correction.


Abc HO1-1 reading,
Abc HO2 reading2
Abc HO3 read for gist question
Abc HO4 read for detail question and answer
Abc HO5 read for vocabulary, more detail question and answer
Abc H01-2 reading(questionnaire)

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detail reading practice in the context of the environment using a quiz and an article.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in between reading tasks within the context of the environment.
  • To learn new vocabulary by the guided-discovery task.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T points at WB "Eco-guilt" and ask "What is eco-guilt?" "Can you guess?" W/C discuss briefly. T asks ss to read the introduction and compare with another student. ("Let's read this introduction for a minute, after that, talk to your partner, compare your answers) T elicit the answer. ("Did you get it right? What does eco-guilt mean?") Compare with your answer with WB

While-Reading (reading 1) (10-12 minutes) • To read the text in detail

T asks ss to read and do the questionnaire, and then add up the answer. T asks ss to compare their answers with their pair. (Should you feel eco-guilty?" "How eco-quilty are you?" Let's find out. There are six questions here, answer them, and add up your score. Let me know when you are done.") ("Who has 10 points and above?" come this side "Who has 0 to 10" stand in the middle "Who has 0 and less?" this way.) T pair students who has score of10 and above, score of 0 to 10, and score of 0 and below. 3 ss in a group. ("Compare your answer with your partners, Explain why you do or don't do these things. See what your score means. Do you agree with it?") W/C discussion ("What does your score mean? "Do you agree with it?"

While-Reading (reading 2) #1 (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading tasks

T asks ss to read for gist. SOLO "Here is an article. The title is "The carbon crime of our century" What do you think it is about? There is a question here. Read the question first. Then read the text quickly to find the answer." W/C ("What's your answer?"

While-Reading (reading 2) #2 (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading task

T asks ss to read for detail. (HO4) PW Compare with their partner. W/C discussion, check answers. ("Let's read the text again. Answer these 5 questions. When you are done, compare your answers with your partner.") ("Can you come up to write the answer? Are they correct? check the answer and read again)

While-Reading (reading 2) #3 vocabulary (6-7 minutes) • Read for more details to learn the meanings of the highlighted vocabulary

T asks ss to read the text again and find the answer for the highlighted vocabulary. ("Here is a handout with 8 definitions In the article, match the 8 highlighted words with the definition." ("Now compare your answer with your partner") ("If there is any word you don't understand, come up here to write it on the WB)

Pos-Reading (extra task) (7-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and freer speaking practice

If there is extra time, T will ask ss to do this task. ("Now, go back to your first text, the one with questions" "Can you think of anything else you can do to help the environment? Anything you think is bad for the environment? Can you come up and write on the WB?" W/C discussion ("So these are the things we can try to do more, and these are the things we can try not to do. Let's do our best then!)

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