Nuzhat Saeed Nuzhat Saeed

First Date
Elementary level


In this lesson, the Ss are going to practice the meaning, form and pronunciation of the vocabulary . The Ss will practice speaking and reading in the context of love,hate,likes and dislikes.


Abc Pictures
Abc Pictures/Cards
Abc Handout#1
Abc Handout#2
Abc Handout#3
Abc Handout#4

Main Aims

  • To provide meaning, form and pronunciation of vocabulary in context of love,hate,likes and dislikes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking and reading skills


Warmer/Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage Ss in descussion

The T will demonstrate her likes ,dislikes, love and hate while using pictures.

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (8-15 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the text and make it accessible.

T will teach meaning,form and pronunciation of the vocabulary. T will demonstrate the activity before the Ss T will stick pictures on the walls. T will give word-cards to the Ss. T will ask Ss to stick the cards on the right picture.

While-Teaching Vocavulary (10-12 minutes) • To provide control practice of the vocabulary

T will distribute Ho for an activity. T will demonstrate the instruction . T will ask the Ss to go to the other Ss and find their loves ,hates, likes and dislikes . T will ask Ss to check their answer in pair as a FB

While-Teaching Vocabulary (10-15 minutes) • To provide control practice of the vocabulary

T give gap-fill HO to the Ss. T will demonstrate the activity . T will ask Ss to work in pair. T will ask Ss to check their answer with the other pair. T will ask Ss to write correct answer on the WB

While-Teaching Vocavulary (10-12 minutes) • To provide semi control practice of the vocabulary

T will give Ho to the Ss. T will ask Ss to see the given picture and complete the sentence according to their own likes and dislikes. T will demonstrate the activity . T will ask Ss to check their answer with the next sitting Ss

Post Teaching Vocavulary (8-10 minutes) • To practice speaking and reading activity

T will give Ho to Ss. T will pair the Ss. T will demonstrate the activity T will ask Ss to fill the gap while having dialogue practice with the partner T will ask to check the answers with the other pair.

Follow up (8-10 minutes) • To practice freer speaking and check Ss understanding about the vocabulary

T will pair the Ss. T will ask Ss to talk about their likes ,dislikes T will ask to share their discussion with other pair.

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