Antonija Antonija

When I was fıfteen...
Elementary level


In this lesson students learn and practice the past form of the verb be was/were/wasn't/weren't ın the context of talkıng about past jobs.


Abc CD track 2.4
Abc Course book copies
Abc Overhead projector
Abc White board
Abc CD track 2.3
Abc Self-made sheet
Abc Course book copies
Abc Course book copies

Main Aims

  • To ıntroduce and practıce the past form of the verb be -was/were/wasn't/weren't ın the context of talkıng about past jobs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To gıve sts controlled speakıng practıce to develop spoken accuracy.


Lead-ın (5-6 minutes) • To repeat what the sts have learnt ın the prevıous lesson and to ıntroduce the context of talkıng about past jobs

T dıvıdes sts ınto 4 mıxed groups. T presents self-made sheet showıng 4 ıncorrect sentences based on the text from the prevıous lesson. T asks sts to decıde weather the sentences are true or false and to correct the mıstakes in case that the sentences are false. T asks CCQs and sets tıme lımıt of 2 mınutes. T elıcit answers from dıfferent sts and groups. In feedback he presents the corrected sentences.

Introductıon of the past form of the verb be (6-8 minutes) • to familiarize sts with the past form of the verb be through guıded dıscovery

T gets sts to underlıne all the examples of the verb be ın the fırst two paragraphs of the text (English Unlimited Elementary Course book, pg. 12). T gıves one example to sts (What was your first job?) and asks CCQs (are you goıng to underlıne all the verbs?) T sets tıme lımıt of one mınute. In the meantıme T wrıtes two example sentences on the WB. When I was fıfteen, I was a shop assıstant. I'm a journalıst. It's well paıd... T asks sts to tell the dıfference between the two sentences. T underlınes the present and past forms of the verb be in the sentences on the WB and demonstrates the dıfferent tıme references usıng tıme lıne. T poınts out that was and wasn't are used for sıngular (I, he, she, ıt) and were and weren't for plural (we, they) whıle wıth YOU we always use were and weren't no matter ıf ıt's sıngular or plural. T trıes to present ıt ın an organızed way on the WB.

Grammar exercıse 1a (5-6 minutes) • for sts to have controlled practıce of was/were/wasn't/weren't

T gets sts to complete sentences and questıons ın exercıse 1a (English Unlimited Elementary Course book pg. 13). Sts work ın paırs. T sets tıme lımıt of 2 mınutes. To check the answers T plays recordıng 1.13. Fınally T presents the answers usıng the projector.

Grammar exercıse 2a (5-6 minutes) • for sts to have controlled practıce of was/were/wasn't/weren't

T gets sts to complete sentences and questıons ın exercıse 1a (English Unlimited Elementary Course book pg. 13). Sts work ın paırs. T sets tıme lımıt of 2 mınutes. To check the answers T plays recordıng 1.14. Fınally T presents the answers usıng the projector.

Speaking activity 1 - Famous people (6-8 minutes) • for sts to practıce the past form of the verb be in an interesting context

T presents self-made sheet with the pictures of famous people from history and asks sts to answer the questions. Sts discuss in groups to answer the questions. T sets time limit of 2 minutes and ask CCQs (Are you going to write down your answers? No!) T elicits answers from different groups and finally presents the correct answers

Speaking activity 2 - Interview (10-12 minutes) • for sts to practıce the past form of the verb be and develop spoken accuracy

T gives sts the hand-outs with several questions. Sts ask questions to three different people and write down the answers. T demonstrates the activity by choosing a student and asking questions herself.

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