jihen jihen

Short notes and parts of speech
Grade 6 A-B-C-D level


In this lesson students learn about the 8 major parts of speech, through a TTT based on PPP. Later, there will be a semi-controlled activity, followed by a game where students are asked to put words on the right column to which they belong.


Abc matching exercise
Abc rules handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of parts of speech in the context of music

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about clubs and hobbies in the context of music


Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

A PPP which includes examples of 5 short notes and signs will be shown to the sts. Sts have to figure out the meaning of these signs. By rising their hands Sts will -one by one- try to guess the meaning of the short notes, using coherent sentences. I will go for demo first. After electing the vocabulary from the students I will model and drill.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

The students have to match the signs/short notes to their meanings from their books. One example is already done for Sts to understand ask EX.-Note. Be careful when you cross here- answer LOOK OUT-BUSY ROAD-. STS will practice five more sentences *practicing what they have already seen in the previous exercise*. Peer Checking for 3 minutes then a quick FB will be done.

Test #2 (10-15 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Online test-five questions will be shown at the WB. Students have between 2 to 3 minutes to answer the 5 questions individually and write their answers down in their notebooks.

Test #1 (14-17 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

A group game about -parts of speech- I will write the 8 major parts of speech on the WB *noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, interjection, prepositions*. Then I will divide the class into two groups of ten/twelve. The students will pass one by one to WB, I say a word and the students have to put their hands on the right column in order to get one point. -NB. it does not matter who is the first but the one who does give the right answer will get a points. the list will include between 10 to twelve words. List of nouns : dogs, birthday, game of Thrones. Pronoun: He, hers, our. Adjective: huge, dangerous, beautiful. Verb: miss, am, are. Adverb: Yesterday, everywhere, very. Prepositions: under, behind, before, since. Conjunction: and, yet, or. Interjection: Oops. wow, Oh.no , Gosh.

Teach (12-17 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

After we are done with the previous game, I will explain quickly the function of each part of speech. 1*Noun: are words used to name person, things, animal, places, ideas or event. ex: Tom Cruise, table, elephant, Turkey, Spring festival etc... 2*Pronoun: words which replace a noun. ex: she, mine, his etc... 3*Adjective: words used to describe a noun or pronoun. ex: big, smart, handsome etc... 4*Verb: a word that shows an action {physical or moral action}. ex: run, go, jump etc.. 5*Adverb: Just like adjectives, adverbs are also used to describe words, but the difference is that adverbs describe adjectives, verbs, or another adverb. Ex1: She came yesterday. The italicized word tells when she “came.”, Ex2. Of course, I looked everywhere! The adverb “everywhere” tells where I “looked.” Ex3: The child is very talented. The italicized adverb answers the question, “To what degree is the child talented?” 6*Prepositions: words that specify location or time. ex: under, in, on, between etc. 7*Conjunction: links words, phrases and/or clauses together. 8*Interjection: words which express emotions. Once I am done explaining I will pick some students randomly and ask them to give my word after saying one of these functions ex: I say: preposition student should give me a preposition like under or by etc . By the end of this exercise I will give the students a handout in which the rules and functions of the 8 major parts of speech are included.

Test #2 (8-13 minutes) • To verify students prior knowledge of the target language

I will ask students to write down 8 sentences in which they should cover the 8 major parts of speech in a separate sheet of paper. Once the students finish I will collect the papers to check them later on. I will ask from some students (max 8) to write one of their sentences on the white board. NB. students should cover different parts of speech. (if one of their previous friends wrote a sentence which includes an adjective for example, the next student has no more the right to rewrite a sentence which includes that part of speech)

If time (5-8 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

I will ask five (5) CCQs: 1)*Which part of the speech is used to name a person, an event or an animal (Answer: noun). 2)*Which part of the speech is used to describe a noun or a pronoun (answer: adjective). 3)*Which part of the speech is used to replace a noun ( answer: pronoun). 4)*Which part of the speech is used to link two words/sentences or clauses together (answer: conjunctions). 5)*Which part of the speech is used to express an emotional reaction ( answer: interjection).

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