Hussam Hussam

Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn ways of saying dates, years and ordinal numbers and practice some listening and speaking about them.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of functional language used for dates, years and ordinal numbers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide some speaking and listening practice in the context of dates, years and ordinal numbers


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • to set lesson context and engage students

in this section, we will lead the students into the context by asking few general questions like, When is your birthday? when is Christmas? show them some pictures about important dates all people would know and try to elicit the dates and how we say them

exposure (7-8 minutes) • to predict the content, answer questions, then provide Ss with gist listening

will put the students in pairs to answer the questions in exercise 1. monitor them and see if they have any problems with the ordinals. I will give them the table of the Ordinal numbers as an HO! check if they know how to pronounce the ordinals, if not, we pronounce them together as WC. then let them listen and check if they said the dates in the right way and correct their mistakes if there are any.

controlled practice (10-13 minutes) • to practice the ways of saying dates.

will explain the two ways of saying dates in British English. will read the conversation as a whole class. write another example on the board, e.g. May 17. 3 February and elicit the two ways of saying them. then put the Ss in pairs to practice saying the dates in the ex.2. monitor them and help then play the recording and let them check their answers.

Clarification (7-8 minutes) • check if they know how to say the dates.

will check if the Ss know how to say the years in ex.4. elicit the two ways of reading the first year then put them in pairs to continue the task. monitor them and check if there are any problems and drill the correct forms. then let them listen to the recording.put them in pairs and let each write for his partner a year and check if he can read it.

controlled practice (6-7 minutes) • receptive practice of the dates

Let Ss listen to the recording in ex.5 and write them to check their comprehension of dates in context. play the first example and elicit the date. play the rest of the recording and pause after each exchange. Then check all the answers with the class

controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • practice saying dates

Ex.6 make Ss give an example of a national holiday in their country and write the dates, put them in pairs and let them do this.monitor them and check their answers.we may speak about an important national holidays if we had time.

controlled practice (5-5 minutes) • to practice saying dates

Ex.7. give them examples of important dates for me like 22nd of February when I left Syria, November the tenth when I was borne, and the 19th of September 2016 when I started my CELTA course. let Ss work in pairs and ask them to write three important dates about themselves.

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