Andrew Andrew

Beginner level


In this lesson, students will see a distinction between countries and nationalities and gain some practice deriving the nationality from the country name though matching, speaking, and written exercises. They will also practice describing the flags of several countries by color with speaking exercises. Extra time will include spoken exercises distinguishing country from nationality in form.


Abc Nationalities Worksheets
Abc 3B International Train
Abc Powerpoint
Abc Pelmanism Cards
Abc Colored Paper
Abc White Board

Main Aims

  • Vocabulary of nationalities & colors

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking


Group Division and Color Matching (5-8 minutes) • To divide the students into 6 groups, be reintroduced to colors, and give meaning to the action of matching for a future exercise

The room will be divided into 6 islands, or groupings of tables, each with 4 or 5 chairs around them. On the WB, there will be two columns- one with 6 colors' names, and the other with colored paper. The columns will not match each other, so I will draw a line matching one of the colors to the corresponding sheet. Above the columns I will write "Match," so as to demonstrate the activity. As students come in, I'll beckon them up individually from around the room to come up and match the colors so that people around the room will see what matching signifies and have a color code. Say each color and have students repeat. I'll write my name on a piece of paper, fold it in 3, and show them. I'll give colored paper (6 different kinds) to Ss to pass around so that everyone may write their name down. In the meantime, I'll write the name of the color on each sheet and stick it on the wall next to the board so the board will be available for powerpoint. When this is accomplished (after about 2 minutes), I'll say "stand up," and point at one island - "greens," at another, "reds.". . . . . "yellows," etc, so that each table grouping will be divided into groups by each color.

Stage 1 (Pelmanism Game) (10-15 minutes) • To see which countries and which nationalities match.

Have a table by me up at the front with a set of cards. Point for one S from 3 parts of the room to come up to the table. I'll flip over 2 cards. "Do these cards match?" If not, I'll flip them back over and have the next S try. When they match, I'll congratulate the S and and motion for the cards to stay visible. Have them return to their groups. I'll show the whole class 2 cards that do not match. "Do these match?" No. Then 2 that do match. "Do these match?" Yes. "Will we 'turn over' (demo) the cards if they do not match?" Yes. " You have 5 minutes. Motion for them to complete it.

Stage 2 Matching Nationalities (10-15 minutes) • Identifying and Pronouncing Colors and Nationalities

I will have the powerpoint slide of flags pulled up on the projector. "which cards match this flag?" Stick one card onto one flag and have others do the same. Repeat each county's name several times to practice pronunciation. Demo the questions that each group should use: "What country is this?" "Turkey" "What color is the flag?" "The Turkish flag is red and white." Use hand motion to indicate that practice should first be done within the group. 3 mins Demo groups interacting with each other. I'll point to one flag. One group asks: "what country is that?" The other responds: "Turkey." . . etc

Stage 3 (Cutting Edge pg 107 exercises) (10-15 minutes) • to notice and become familiar with how nationalities deviate from the country's name

turn off projector and remove sticky tabs. pass out HO. 5 min time limit after demo. Demonstrate the activity: ISH, AN, Other. . . . . Turkish under ish, American under an, France under other. . . . Under demo categories (ish, an, other. . . . ), ask "what nationalities go here?" under Ish. . . If someone gives the wrong answer, point to someone who gave the correct answer to repeat the correct answer. Give positive feedback: Great job, awesome, nice. . . . When/if there is time, turn on projector and practice the connection between country and nationality using powerpoint: "He's from Turkey. He's Turkish. He's from Spain. He's. . . . . I'm from the USA. I'm. . . ."

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