galina galina

Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide gist, inference and scan reading practice using a text about articles from a newspaper in the context of Protests

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of protests.


Lead in (1-2 minutes) • To activate Ss' existing knowledge of the topic. To generate interest in th topic/theme of the lesson.

Teaher posts 3 or 4 pictures of people protesting. Teacher asks Ss, 'What is this?' Teacher elicits the word 'protest'. If Ss cannot generate the word, the teacher slowly writes the word out until ss recall the word or until it is displayed. (P-R-O-T-E-S-T).

Prediction task (1-5 minutes) • To encourage Ss o predict/think about content of the text and give them a reason to read the text.

Teacher tells Ss, 'We are going to read about some protests today.' Teacher asks prediction questions, 'What do you think the protests are about? Why do people protest?' Teacher puts Ss in pairs. Ss brainstorm for 2 minutes about possible reasons to protest. As SS converse with each other, the Teacher quietly annotates their answers on the whiteboard. SS share their ideas with the whole class.

Pre teach vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To pre-teach/unblock key lexis is needed to help students understand the text. To pre-teach/unblock key lexis is needed to help students complete the next task.

Teacher puts ss in pairs and tells Ss they have a 5 minute limit to complete a vocabulary matching exercise. Teacher shows the worksheet and asks, 'Are there any questions?' Teacher walks and monitors class. Teacher hands board markers to early finishers and asks them to write their answers on the board. After the time finishes, the Teacher and SS compare the answers on the board and correct any mistakes.

Reading for gist (2-5 minutes) • To encourage Ss to read for gist/general understanding. For learners to get an overview of the next text.

Teacher arranges SS in small groups and hands them Headline Strips (color coordinated with groups). Teacher puts 3 or 4 article posters up on the white board. In groups, Ss will run up one-by-one to try and match the appropriate headline to the correct article. Teacher tells SS that they are timed. When the task is complete, Teacher quietly ticks answers that are correct, and puts an 'x' next to the ones that are not. Teacher will ask the whole class where that strip should go if it's not correct.

Reading for specific info (5-10 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information (scanning). To (further) familiarise learners with the text.

Teacher has ss read the 5 articles for specific inforamation. Teacher gives a "true or false" handout to answer while they read. Ss will have 5 to 7 mins to read. Early finishers will quietly compare answers with the person sitting next to them. When time is up there will be a whole class check.

Reading for inference (5-6 minutes) • To practice reading for inferred meanings (either at word or text level). For learners to understand the text in more depth.

Teacher gives "The Last Sentence" handout. SS are to read the articles again and match the sentences a-g to the articles 1-5. Ss should know there are 2 sentences that they don't need. After Ss finish, Teacher assigns new pairs. Pairs exchange their handouts. Whole class goes over answers out loud while checking partners handout. Pairs switch back their handouts.

Speaking Task (5-9 minutes) • To allow an opportunity to react to the text. To develop oral/written fluency the topic. To provide an opportunity to personalise the topic.

Teacher gets Ss into new groups. Teacher gives a hand out of discussion questions pertaining to protests. SS have five minutes to share their ideas. If time allows, some SS may report their group's ideas to the whole class. Teacher closes the lesson with a class discssion by asking, 'Do you think protests are beneficial to the society we live in today?' Thank you for the amazing lessons I have had with you. It has been such a pleasure to teach you all. :))))

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