
Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen for special details in the context of breaking news

Subsidiary Aims

  • Enable the students to speak their favorite mass media


Lead in/warm up (3-5 minutes) • Activate student`s knowledge of the topic and set context.

T shows the Ss different pictures related to media. T brainstorms the Ss about the pictures asking them different questions. what is the common thing between these pictures? why do people need them? which one do you use more often?

pre-teaching vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • Unblock the difficult words in the text that may hinder the Ss understanding

T uses the previous pictures to clarify some words that may be difficult for the Ss to understand while listening. T asks Ss different questions to elicit the words from the Ss if possible. Why do people buy newspapers every day?why can`t they read old ones?(expected answer: to learn new information about what is happening around the world) what kind of news do we read or hear from media?(expected answers: accidents, sports, celebrities...) some times we read the a bank has been ....what do we call the verb or stealing a bank? what do police do to find the robber? (expected answers: search for him...) some times in the news papers we read things that are not really true, or they make from the small things bigger. What do we call it?( expected answers laying)

Listening for Gist (5-7 minutes) • Enable the Ss to listen get an overall idea and a general understanding of the text.

T gives instructions before distributing the handouts. T distributes the handouts where Ss need to put the topics in order. T checks Ss` understanding of the task by asking ICQs. are you going to listen to find the order of the topics or to have details? do you need to get the specific details or just the general idea? T plays the track(track 1 CD 2) Ss listen and so the task. Peer correction. T goes around the Ss to provide help. An answer key will be given.

Listening for specific information (8-10 minutes) • Enable the Ss to listen for specific information and get familiarized with the text.

T asks the Ss to listen one more time to fill in a chart with the missing information.(information gap). T divides Ss into As and Bs. T check Ss` understanding by asking ICQs: will you listen for general idea or to get information? are you going to stop at every word you don`t understand? are you going to focus on all the information are just the missing one? are you going to show your paper to your partner? T distributes the handouts and plays the track(track 1 CD 2) Ss should check answers and try to fill in the missing information. provide and answer key for the WC feed back

Listening for Specific details (8-10 minutes) • Enable the Ss to listen for the comprehension questions and have more details about the text.

T asks the Ss to listen for the third time to the do the tue false questions. T distributes the handouts. T plays the track. Peer correction. Whole class feedback

Post-listening/ speaking (6-8 minutes) • Enable the Ss to react to the text and personalize the topic of breaking news

T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss what would they write about on a newspaper or magazine if they were journalists. Imagine that you are a journalist in a newspaper or magazine, what is the topic that you want to write about, and why. T monitors the Ss and provide them with help and assistance if needed. Whole class feed back./ context feedback.

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