galina galina

intermediate level


In this lesson learners will be better able to talk about their opinions on the topic of changes that have taken place in their lifetime.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of changes that have taken place in their lifetime.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a report/poster in the context of changes that have taken place in their lifetime.


Lead in (2-5 minutes) • To activate Ss' existing knowledge of the topic. To generate interest in th topic/theme of the lesson.

Teacher will open previous Ppt to activate schemata and not overwhelm the SS. Teacher will ask certain questions ( the same questions they will be given later on in the lesson)(USEFUL LANGUAGE) about each picture to open discussion and encourage SS to start speaking.

Preparing to speak (7-10 minutes) • To generate/provide ideas to speak. To provide an opportunity prepare for task. To provide an opportunity to organise their ideas logically and take notes. To provide learners with a model the task.

Teacher will introduce the new target vocabulary with a ppt. Teacher also mentions to the SS that the word "industry" will become "industries" in the plural form and ask Ss to try and remember that for further text they might see. Teacher will ask CCQs that are printed out ahead of time. These CCQs will lead and guide the SS to help them realise their surroundings and on the idea of time.

Useful Language (5-8 minutes) • To provide and clarify language which learners may find useful for completing the speaking task.

Teacher will handout pictures of four different fruits and ask them to find their groups. Once the SS are in groups. Teacher hands the groups some slips of paper that has pre made questions and in groups the Ss will take turns asking their questions to the group and answering them together.

Speaking task (8-12 minutes) • For learners to practice their oral fluency in relation to the frequent changes in our lives.

Teacher asks the groups to stay in groups. Teacher shows some sentences (Useful Language Handout) that are not complete on the board and the SS are asked to in groups complete the sentences on poster paper. Teacher gives the groups a handout of the Useful Language to help guide the groups better. Ss can either draw the answers to complete the sentence or they can write it out in a full sentence. E.g. Our group has been discussing... ( a picture of buildings) /Our group has been discussing the increased amount of buildings that have been built in Istanbul. Teacher shows a demo of this on her poster. This helps the "weaker" Ss get a chance to collaborate and not feel intimidated by stronger Ss or if there are visual learners in the class. After each group is finished with their posters. Ss are asked to hang it up in the class and look at other groups posters. (Class Gallery)

Feedback/error correction on oral/written task (5-10 minutes) • To allow learners to compare results of the task. To provide content feedback on results of the task. To provide language feedback based on the task.

Ss will put their posters on the wall and Ss will have a "gallery tour". Groups will then volunteer to speak about their posters to the class and other groups will be free to comment on posters. E.g. If they liked it or if they didn't like it. Or if they had the same topic of discussion and or how it relates to their topic.

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