
Abc handouts, pictures,

Main Aims

  • By the end of the session the students will be able to use "will" for the unplanned future actions and "be going to" for the planned future actions using the Dictogloss activity.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Enable students to write a paragraph to report the teacher`s reading in their own words.


Lead in/warm up (5-7 minutes) • set the context for students and prepare them for the next activity.

T rshows the Ss three pictures on the WB. (Moroccan flag, diploma, and a plane). T asks the Ss to make a very short story to describe the relation between the three elements on the pictures. Ss work in pairs WC feedback T invites the Ss to listen to my story about my future plan for next week and then they write some key words. T uses ICQs to check Ss` understanding of the task given: - Are you going to write the whole paragraph ? - are you going to write prepositions like and , on ? - are you going to write nouns, adjectives, verbs ?

Test (10-13 minutes) • activate the students` schemata about "will" and "be going to" for future plans

T asks the Ss to re-write the paragraph using the words they have jot down on their note books but they keep the same meaning of the teacher`s paragraph. Ss work in groups to do the task. T monitors them and see if they are on the right track and provide help if needed. Peer correction of the paragraph: Ss exchange the paragraphs with the other groups to see the differences and similarities between their paragraphs. T guides them during the correction and asks them to underline the correct form of the sentence. Whole class feedback providing handouts of the original paragraph. Tasks the Ss to find the activities mentioned in the paragraph. T writes them on the WB.

Teach (10-13 minutes) • Guided discovery stage,and provide the students with more clarification and also highlight the differences between "will" and "be going to"

T asks Ss CCQs about the model sentences written on the WB. - I am going to travel to Morocco. Am going to be in Istanbul next Sunday? - May be I will buy some clothes. Am I 100% sure that i will buy the clothes? T elicits from Ss the differences between will and be going to. T may use a time line to give more clarification about the use of will and be going to. T elicits the form from the students by highlighting each word in the sentence. Pronunciation drills: T practices Pronunciation with the Ss by showing them the word stress and the connected speech on the WB.

Test (10-12 minutes) • Check if the students were able to understand the TL by giving them a controlled practice

T give the Ss handouts to do an activity where they will ask each other questions about their activities for next week. After they finish collecting information about their friends they will report what they have written on their schedules. Ss go around the class and ask each other questions using be going to and will. T monitors to identify the problems Ss still have. WC correction T`s feedback. Addressing Ss` pronunciation or the form errors on the WB.

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