tugbag tugbag

Can/Can't possibility
Elementary level


In this lesson,the students will learn usage of modal verb: "can",clarify its meaning and form


Abc Gap-filling handout CP
Abc Listening handout 1/2
Abc Listening transcript
Abc Freer practice handout
Abc Bingo game handout
Abc Freer practice handout 2

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson,the students will have a better understanding of modal verb "can" . They will be able to use and pronounce it correctly.
  • To provide clarification and practice of modal verb "can" in the context of holiday

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a dialogue about a holiday plan.


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To transit the students to my lesson

First, I will make the students to remember the dialogue between James and Rachel. I will ask them: "What did James decide to do?" They will talk to their partners and later I will ask the reason why James chose to go San Francisco.

Highlighting target language (5-8 minutes) • To highlight the target language so the learners are focussed on it

I will write the marker sentences on the board. I will ask the differences between the two sentences. I will let the students to discuss the sentences with their partners. Later,I will try to make them understand the meaning of "can/"can't" by the CCQs such as:"Do I choose?, Is it a suggestion, Is it forbidden?. Is it possible to do? " After clarifying the meaning, I will give them a transcript of the dialogue that they have listened in the previous lesson. I will ask students to find the same forms in the dialogue and highlight them.

Focus on grammar (7-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning,form and the pronunciation of the target language so that the learners understand and know how toconstruct and say it correctly.

I will give them a gap-filling handout. The handout is designed as MF of the target language. First, I will ask them to complete the part A. There will be two sentences in part A. They will match the meaning of "Can and Can't" with the sentences. They will check with their partners., Later,I will ask them to complete part B. In part B,they will construct the correct form of ``can/can`t``. After checking it all together, I will ask them to look at the part C and form questions with the jumbled words in that part. After that, I will elicit the MF from students and fill the gap on the WB to recheck the students.

Listening 1 8*2 (3-6 minutes) • To make the students understand the stressed form of `can`.

At this stage, the students will listen to two sentences in order to distinguish the weak and strong form of `can`. I will let them to discuss the sentences with their partners for 2 minutes. Later. I will ask the differences between weak and strong forms. Because they are supposed to understand that the weak form is in positive sentences and the strong form is in the negative sentences.

Listening 2 8*3 8*1 (6-9 minutes) • To check the students whether they can distinguish the ``can`` and ``can`t``.

The students will listen to five sentences. They will tick the sentence they hear first. But on the handout there will be 10 sentences. So, they should choose five of them as correct answers. After pair checking,I will write the answers on the board. They will listen to the dilogue once again to notice the difference `can` and `can`t`.

Listening 3 8*4 (3-5 minutes) • To make the students copy the weak and strong forms of ``can``

The students will listen 3 sentences: one question, one positive and one negative usage of can.They will try to copy the weak and strong forms of ``can``. I will write the phonemes on the WB and make them drill.

Controlled Practice (4-8 minutes) • To be sure that the students have learned the meaning,form and the pronunciation of the modal verb 'can'.

I will give the students a handout on which there are 10 gaps. They will complete the dialogue with ''can'' or ''can't''. When they finish, they will check the answers with their partners. At that time, I will write the answer key on the WB.

Semi-controlled Practice (8-12 minutes) • To provide the students practice the target language.

The students will be divided in 2 groups. I will name them as ''possible'' and '' impossible''. They will have another handout and they will play a kind of bingo game. But,in a pair,there will be 2 different handout. On the each handout, there will be 12 activity pictures and 6 of them are crossed or have tick on. For the rest 6 pictures, each student will write his own questions. For example:'' Can I ride bike?'' etc. Then, they will ask the questions they have written. The student who get the answer will cross or put a tick if that action is allowed.

Freer Practice (4-8 minutes) • To provide the students practice the target language.

At this stage, I will give them a handout. On the handout, there are some statements about some kind of skills and the students will translate them in question forms. It's a kind of ''Find Someone Who....'' game. They will stand up and walk around the classroom and find someone who has those written skills.. For example: for computer skills,it's written ''use a computer?''. The students will make a question and ask their friends ''Can you use computer?'' After the activity, I will elicit some examples. If we have enough time, I will make them practice one more time with activity 10a.

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