Terri Terri

Functional Language Speaking Practice - Telephone Numbers
Beginner level


Practice asking for and giving home, work and mobile telephone numbers


Abc Audit File 1.15 - Functional Language
Abc White Board
Abc Audio File 1.19 - Speaking phone numbers

Main Aims

  • To provide controlled speaking practice of functional language of telephone numbers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Review of the present simple tense, with question forms and listening for specific information.


Lead in for introductions and counting review (4-6 minutes) • Introduction and counting review

Write the numbers 1 - 20 on the board in columns using black and blue markers Introduce myself then have the students stand in a circle. Tell ss "Let's count to 20 and say our name" Demonstrate this by saying Terri - 1 Point to first student in circle - SS Name - 2 While going around the circle point to the numbers on the board to re-enforce instructions. Let every student say their name even if it means starting over from 1. Have all students sit down again Say all numbers together as a class Randomly select 4 students to say 7 random numbers, one after another. End Stage

Listening 1 - Asking for and saying phone numbers (8-10 minutes) • Listen, read and speak - Ask and receive phone numbers

Erase number list from the white board Demonstrate the activity: Point to the CD player, then point to my ear, then point the the white board and say - Now let's listen, read and speak about phone numbers." Ask ICQ questions: Will we listen? Yes Will we read? Yes Will we speak? Yes Will we write? No Play the CD Write the question (A:) What's your phone number? on the white board while saying the question. Show the stress emphasis and note it is with fingers and in red. Write the answer (B:) It's 928-2914 while saying it Write the answer (A:) My phone number is 926 0438. Listen to audio again while I follow along pointing to white board T-S -- Repeat information on board: Point to the student nearest to me and ask: What is your phone number? Point to the white board and have the student read It's 928 2914 I point to myself and say: My phone number is 926-0438 Open S-S pairs Have the first student repeat the steps above to the person sitting to their right or left depending on which side of the room I start. I will be at the white board as necessary to correct pronounciation Go around the room until all students have had a chance to read the information on the board.

Listening 2 - Speaking phone numbers - role pay prep (5-7 minutes) • Role Play to ask for and give phone numbers

Demonstrate the activity: Point to the CD player, then point to my ear, then point the the white board and say - Now let's listen again. Ask ICQ questions: Will we listen? Yes Will we read? Yes Will we speak? Yes Will we write? No Play the CD Write the information from the CD on the White Board while speaking: Woman: What's your work number? It's 350 2851. What's your home number? 928-2914. What's your mobile number? Sorry, I don't have one. Play the CD again. Select a male and female student randomly. Ask that they read the dialog above that is written on the white board. Assist and make pronunciation corrections as required.

Role Play - Game (15-20 minutes) • Students ask for and provide each other with phone numbers

Tell the students, "Now let's do role play." Open the power point file. Go to slide one. Read the questions on the board Show the phone number log hand out Tell the students we will read, speak, listen and write. Randomly select a student. Give them a phone number from each of the three envelopes I take a number from each of the envelopes Give them the handout Ask them the questions while reading from the board. Write down the phone numbers they give you. Have the SS ask me each question. Have them write the phone number on their handout If a blank phone number is given, explain the "I'm sorry" answer. Compare answers Have the student repeat the activity above with the student next to them while the class observes again Ask ICQ Questions: Will we read? Yes Will we speak? Yes Will we Listen? Yes Will we write? Yes Pass the hand outs to the rest of the class. 1 per student Pass the envelops to the rest of the class. 1 number from each envelop Each student works with the student next to them to exchange phone number information. I assist the pairs as needed Students can switch partners, get new phone numbers and handouts as time allows

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