Laura Crate Laura Crate

Teaching practice 4 Main aim: Reading
Intermediate level


The lesson will begin will an assortment of pictures of advertisements as I elicit the subject of advertising to students. Followed by asking how many of the students have children and putting them into groups trying to ensure each group contains someone who has a child. Students will then be presented with some products that are often linked with children and asked to think about when they have seen some of these advertisements and how they appeal to children. They will discuss this in groups adding products to one column and how they appeal to children in another. Afterwards they will be given a HO where together they must match some new vocab with the correct definition. Answer keys will be stuck around the classroom for students to check their answers. This will lead into exercise two where students will read the text and answer three questions in pairs. There will be a quick WCFB before moving onto exercise three. In this exercise Ss will be asked to read the article again and complete the end of each line where it has been torn. The final part of the lesson will be a class debate, the students will be split into two teams. One team will argue that it is right to advertise to young children and the second team will argue against them. Ss will be given time and materials to prepare their arguments before I, the judge, listen to both arguments and make an informed decision based upon who had the most convincing argument.


No materials added to this plan yet.

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about advertising to children

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of advertising to children


Lead in (8-10 minutes) • To activate students existing knowledge of the topic and generate interest in the theme

The lesson will begin with a series of pictures of different advertisements and I will elicit the topic of advertising from the students. This will be followed up with the questions of which students have children and arranging them into groups, each containing a learner that has a child. They will pass around a HO of a table with two columns one for products that are generally aimed at children (breakfast cereal, computer games, fast food, sweets) and the other for the appeal these advertisements have to children. Ss will work in pairs adding extra products to the list and noting the appeal these adverts have to children. This will be followed by some short WCFB.

Pre-teach vocabulary (6-8 minutes) • To pre-teach key lexis needed to help students complete the following tasks

Students will be given a HO of a matching exercise containing the new vocabulary and their definitions. Ss will work in pairs matching the words to their meaning. The answer key will be glued around the walls of the room, which Ss will check after completing the exercise. There will be a short time for any queries Ss have about the new vocabulary.

Reading for detail (10-12 minutes) • To practice reading for detailed comprehension.

Students will be given the reading text and the questions from exercise two. Students will work in pairs to answer the questions, while I monitor the class offering support and guidance to the Ss that need it. This will enable me to check that Ss will be able to participate in the final task. After completing the task there Ss will share their answers will the class, opening them up to extra or different information from their fellow learners.

Reading for gist (5-6 minutes) • To encourage Ss to read for gist

Students will be asked to read the article again and complete the end of each line where the text has been torn. Ss will then check their final results with each other, while I monitor and check that there are no problems to be addressed as a class.

Speaking task (10-15 minutes) • To allow an opportunity to react to the text

The students will be split into two teams for a class debate. One team will be arguing that it is right to advertise to young children, and the second team will be arguing against them, both giving well planned reasons as to why, using the text and personal opinion. The Ss will be given time and materials before I, the judge, take up my position, to listen and make an informed decision based upon which team provides the best argument. If there is time, Ss will get the chance to offer which side of the argument they truly stand on and why.

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