Sean Sullivan Sean Sullivan

TED Talk - Listening & Speaking Skills - John Doe - XYZ Bank
Upper Intermediate level


The lesson will be centered around Jason Fried's TED Talk, "Why work doesn't happen at work". The lesson will focus on improving listening skills and producing conversation between S and T focusing on connected speech, intonation and stressing proper words in sentences.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information, detailed, and deduction listening practice through a TED based on why work doesn't happen at work

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice utilizing conversation focusing on connected speech, intonation, and proper word stress on sentences.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will engage the S by asking, "Why are some employees more productive at work than others"? The S will brainstorm ideas thru our discussion. I will elicit more detailed information steering the S toward what time of day, location, surroundings, specific manager style, and daily event that may be counterproductive to efficient work. T will write the S answers on the WB

Pre-Listening (18-22 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T will ask S to listen to the 15 minute talk and see how many of his answers on the WB are contained in the talk. How many are similar? What is the most surprising part that he didn't think of? After audio, Elicit answers and similarities from the S

While-Listening #1 (18-22 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information listening tasks

T to give the S a 2nd Handout, the S will read the questions, when completed, I will ask him to listen to the audio a 2nd time and mark the following questions True or False. The questions are: 1. Are most of the employees choices for best place to get work done located in the office? False 2. The office is compared to a food processor? True 3. Creative people work better when they are in a typical office environment? False 4. Short stretches of uninterrupted work is more productive than longer? False 5. There are 3 stages or phases to sleep? False 6. Voluntary interruptions mostly happen in the office place? False 7. Browsing Facebook is today's coffee break? True 8. Regular meetings boost productivity? False 9. Most managers tend to interrupt productive work? True 10. The speaker urges managers to have meetings only on Mondays? False After S has completed True and False. T-S review answers together. T notes any grammar or Vocab errors and elicits corrected answers from the S. T also gives FB on any incorrect answers and leads the S through to a multiple choice including correct answer. T then elicits why that answer is correct. Replay specif section of audio if necessary.

While-Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

T to ask the S the following questions looking for a detailed, verbal response. Some answers will make the S deduce or infer to answers from the audio. 1. Why does the speaker believe the office is productive for work getting done? 2. What do you think is the most ideal place for you to be the most productive while working? 3. Did the speakers opinions change any of your own ideas? Why? 4. As a manager do you think your meetings may be a reason why some employess are less productive? 5. What is one thing from this talk that you could use in your office to increase productivity? As the S answers I will make notes on errors with grammar, vocabulary, lexis, pronunciation, etc. and form delayed error correction when the 5 questions are completed. I will use a mix of elicited correction techniques including: reformulation, terminology/verbal correction, and offering choices. Feedback will be performed until errors are resolved by the S.

Post-Listening / Speaking Practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity utilizing the context and audio to practice specific speaking skills

have a handout with excerpts of the audio highlighting 9 different sentences. Sentences 1-3 - T says each sentence. S repeats. The S then marks each sentence with the major and minor stressed words. Perform any error correction through repeating and drilling. Sentences 4-6 - T ask S to speak each sentence and to mark stress AND identify any connect speech words/phases in each sentence. T to speak sentences with correct connect words and CCQ which are correct and have S repeat and drill until connected speech and stresses are spoken correctly and naturally. Sentences 7-9 - T asks S to speak each sentence and to mark the proper stress and use correct intonation according to context. T to speak sentences with correct intonations if needed and CCQ which are correct and have S repeat and drill until intonation and stresses are spoken correctly and naturally.

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