Zainab Azim Zainab Azim

Copy of Present perfect continous vs. Present perfect simple
Intermediate level


In this part of the lesson , students learn the difference between present perfect continous and present perfect simple . The lesson starts with refering back to the reading part and what they can remember from the previuos session . This is followed by a controlled practice and a semi-controlled practice of both forms . Finally they will be divided into 2 groups and they will practice the grammer through speaking .


Abc Straıght Forwrad Intermediate student,s book page 1128
Abc Straıght Forwrad Intermediate student,s book page 71
Abc Straıght Forwrad Intermediate student,s book page 131
Abc Matching activity

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and review of Present perfect - continous and simple - in the context of Life changes

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Life changes


Introduction (1-2 minutes) • Learn their names and recall mine

* ask them if they remember my name * ask their names one by one and try to learn

Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Recall the reading part

* ask them if they remember what the text was about . * get into some details like : what changes has Maria seen ? , What has she been doing recently ?

Focus on the TL - Meaning (10-12 minutes) • Elicit present perfect continous

* ask them what thay can remember about present perfect continous from yesterday lesson . * ask them what the difference is between present perfect continous and present perfect simple . * put them into groups of three . * give them stripes of paper with example of both forms and the definitions of both forms written on them . * explain the activity and they match the examples with the definitions . * monitor the activity . * give them the answer key .

Controlled practice of the TL (10-12 minutes) • Put the grammer they have learned into practice

* ask them to read the text in exercise 1 on page 71 , and tell them not to worry about the gaps . * ask them what the text is about . * pair them up and get them to do the exercise . * get feedback and check the answers .

Semi-controlled practice of present perfect continous (10 minutes) • Use the TL more fluently and accurately

* ask them if they remember what Maria did in preparation for her birthday party . * personilze the topic and ask them what they do in prepration for a party . * tell them to look at the picture in exercise 2 on page 71 , put them in small groups and ask them to say what the people in the picture have been doing recently . * for feedback , ask each group to read 2 sentences out loud .

Freer speaking and practice of the TL (10-12 minutes) • Use the TL in speaking

* divide them into 2 group As and 2 group Bs . * give the HO for speaking exercises on pages 128 and 131 . * tell them to discuss the questions in their groups . * monitor them . * make notes of errors they make with the TL .

Wrap up • Elicit present perfect contınous and present perfect structure

* ask them ıf they can come up with the structure of the 2 forms .

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