robin foggo robin foggo


Abc Ball
Abc Poster card
Abc Pens
Abc Paper
Abc White board
Abc Self-made conversation board cards
Abc Name and nationality cards

Main Aims

  • To provide review of known lexis.
  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for introductions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To break the ice and learn more about the learners strengths and weknesses.


Ball Throw name game (15 minutes) • for everyone to learn each others names and "break the ice".

T tells Ss to stand in a circle. S says their own name then throws the ball to a another member of the class who says their own name- this is repeated for all members of the class. S says the name of a person then throws the ball to that S - this process is repeated around the class. *optional A S says their rhyming adjective then throws the ball to a another member of the class who says their own name- this is repeated for all members of the class. S says the adjective of a person then throws the ball to that S - this process is repeated around the class. Pass the ball around and say the name of the person on their left. Chain memory drill of everyones name.

Alphabet poster (15 minutes) • To see what vocabulary the Ss know to try to better guage their level. To produce vocabulary that can be used in a future game.

T groups the Ss. T sets a time limit Ss brainstorm vocabulary and write down ideas on posters. Groups move and count other groups words. Then FB. Groups move and add extra words to posters. Put posters on wall.

Group "Introductions" drill (25 minutes) • To drill the functional language for "introductions" until memorised. GTKY.

T boards the conversation cards. # Hello, my name's Ibo. $ Hi, my name's Banu. # Pleased to meet you. $ Pleased to meet you too. # Where are you from? $ I'm from Italy, and you? # I'm from Spain. $ Oh, it's late, I must go. # See you! $ Bye! Ss divided into two groups. Dialogue drilled T-WC roles reversed Grp-Grp roles reversed Grp-Grp repeated several times while T removes parts of the dialogue, until all of the dialogue is removed. Ss mill drill using their own names etc.

Web site designed by: Nikue