Larysa Larysa

Beginner level


In this lesson students read the text about Vancouver, Canada, the main topic to cover is "Where I live". Students develop their reading skills for gist and speaking skills based on the text as well. The lexis used is referred to the city life, discussion of the different words connected with the city life. They can see a map of America and Canada, alongside with the pictures indicating new words. Finally, they are going to speak about Vancouver and the city life in general. Students get familiar with the new words - adjectives in particular. They work on Present Simple Tense throughout the lesson.


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Main Aims

  • To develop skills of gist reading of a given text while practicing the Simple Present Tense constructions in the context of the city life topic. Input of the new lexis with a list of adjectives referring to the city life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary: To review adjectives for describing places


Warmer (2-3 minutes) • To engage students/ to present the pictures with the new words, to announce the content of the lesson

To present a map of Canada and the US asking a question "What do you know about Vancouver?" The map presented is made in Power Point. Is it near the US? Guess how far it is to the US border.

Pre - reading activity (5-10 minutes) • To elicit or identify the words used in the text with the pictures given

The students have a copy of the text in front of them, ex 2 implies they need to know the words given, Using Power Point I show the pictures one by one on the screen and they identify them. (mountains, the sea, a beach, a ferry, a trolley bus, a train, a park, sailing, fishing). The next step is to read ex 3 with the names of the paragraphs given to be able to identify the name of the each later on in the text. Sts have to place the names in the correct order to the text.

While - reading (5-10 minutes) • To provide a reson for the students to read the text and be ready for a new vacabulary alongside with the question which follow

To read the first paragraph together with the whole class and name it. To explain the students not to worry if they dont understand the every single word of the text but instead try to guess the meaning from the context. While jist reading they should keep in mind they will have the questions to ask each other after. Sts read the text for jist.

While - reading 2 (10-12 minutes) • To be able to scan the text looking for the appropriate answers to the questions.

Sts work in pairs.They have a pile of questions about the text which I handle one by one and then to exchange it due a circle principle until the every pair of students have the chance of practicing the whoe bulk of the questions. Those questions are written on the colorful paper and separated one by one. After a pair work is done, I check the replies asking students at random.

Vocabulary (5-8 minutes) • To learn the new adjectives or elicit these if they were previously learnt

We come up to ex 5 and the list of the nouns in the right column with the empty lines in the left one. The students are asked to find the appropriate words through the text and write them down in the column. Sts may enounter the new words (spectacular, excellent, all of this and more, south-west, border, warm, sunny, autumn, winter, spring, sunbathe, summer, go walking, north, theater, opera, of every sort, festivals, cosmopolitan, Indian, Thai, fresh, seafood, slow, modern) so I have to be prepared to give the explanation of these. A list of adjectives is provived. They have to match these to the nouns while scanning the text.

Post - reading (5-7 minutes) • To memorise the words and to expand on what they have learnt

I offer two questions to the groups of Sts for discussion - What is your favourite city? Why do you like it? After a group discussion I ask one person out of the group to share their opinion. Ask the Sts if they leant new words and information in today's lesson.

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