arbia arbia

Arbia Hkimi Thursday 4th August 2016
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about how to compare using phrases such as: slightly different from, very similar to, etc.They will also develop their listening skills.


Abc handout (Cutting the Edge, p30-31), power point presentation

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have learned and used phrases to compare.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will develop the ability to listen for gist and specific information in the context of comparing between cities.


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To introduce the topic and elicit target activities.

1. Asking students if they have ever visited an Asian country. Then encouraging them to talk about the most exciting places they 've visited there. 2-Displaying pictures of Hong Kong and Moscow/ 3- Asking students to work in pairs so as to discuss what they know about each city. 4- Introduce Michael and Irina while encouraging students to guess what they are going to talk about.

While-Listening 1 (10 minutes) • To listen for gist

1- Students will listen to people talking about the cities they live in. 2- Students listen to circle the correct alternative. 3-Students check in pairs. 4-Whole class feedback.

Language Focus 1 (5 minutes) • meaning

1- Encouraging students to compare between Hong Kong and Moscow. 2-Providing students with some figures about both cities. 3- Getting students to compare while asking them some questions such as: Which city has more people? Is Hong Kong bigger than Moscow? 4- Asking students to match adjectives with suitable prepositions. 5-Pair work check 6- Whole class Feedback

Language Focus 3 (3 minutes) • pronunciation: To check students understand the pronunciation of the target language.

1- Refer students to sentences in task 3. Say the sentences and ask students to listen for the stress. 2- Mark the stress on the board and point out the fact that we only stress content words. 3- Ask students to repeat the sentences

Language Focus 2 (5 minutes) • form

1.Write an example on the board then encouraging students to use phrases in Analysis box to come up with more examples. What do we use to compare things that are almost the smae? Do we use slightly different to talk about big difference? What expressions we might use to compare things with big difference?

Controlled Practice (5 minutes) • To use the new language in a limited form

1- Asking students to complete a paragraph with the words form the box. 2- Students check in pairs 3-Whole class feedback

Freer Practice (10 minutes) • To give students further practice in using the target language.

1- Students make sentences using target language then compare their ideas in small groups or pairs.

Wrap up (3 minutes) • To close the lesson and review lesson aims

1- Remind students of today's aims and ask if there are any questions 2- Thank students for participating.

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