Maria Alina POLAT Maria Alina POLAT

Maria Alina POLAT - Passive and Active
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson students learnto use and practice the passive and active voices in the context Life's a beach, particularly how the Palm beach, Jumeirah,Dubai was done. They will have a reading text where they have to recognize the passive and active together with other practice activities related to the context.


Abc Reading text Life's a beach
Abc pictures
Abc HO for practice activity

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of the passive and active in the context of how the Palm Jumeirah island was built.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist to get the main idea of what the text is about.


Stage 1 - Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the context of the lesson and raise students interest for it

Teacher shows three pictures and ask the students if they recognize the places and say if they are a natural phenomenon or not. They are the Islands from Istanbul, Buyuk agda and the Palm Jumeirah island, Dubai. Teacher will draw Ss's attenttion to the Palm and asks them to guess how the Palm island was made and what it is made of. Teacher asks the students to read the text that will be given and check if their predictions are right. Then the Students will have a pair check.

Stage - 2 Clarification of the active and passive form. (3-4 minutes) • To elicit and clarify the form and use of the target language.

The teacher writes on the board the model sentences. Rocks and sand are brought from the mainland. They drop the sand on the seabed. The exact positioning is checked by divers. The Palm can be seen from space. First Teacher asks if they know which one is passive and which one is active. In the first sentence, do we know who brought the rocks and the sand? No, it is not mentioned. Is it necessary to mention? No. Is it important who does the action or what happend to the rocks and sand? What happend to the rocks and sand. Teacher elicits: When do we use passive? When the important information is what happens to a something or someone. They dropped the sand on the seabed. Do we know who dropped the seabed? Yes, they. When do we use active? When the important information is who does the action. For the sentence: The exact positioning is checked by divers. Is it passive or active? Passive. But do we know who does the action? Yes, the divers. This is a passive with agent. By divers is an agent. (We know by whom it is done). Teacher writes the form on the board. Passive Be (in the correct tense) + past participle. for modals Can, may etc + be+ past participle.

Stage 3 - Practice activities (22-25 minutes) • To use and practice the use of active and passive with and without agent

Teacher asks the students to do the practice activity. Instructions befroe giving them the handouts. Complete the sentences with the appropriate passive form of the verbs. Then the students check with their partner then the whole class feedback. Teacher writes the correct answers on the board. 1 - were 2 - was chosen 3 - were added 4 - be reached 5 - was expanded 6- is going to be/will be built 7 - be bought 8- was described The next practice. Task: Turn the passives from the first exercise into active using the following: They..... Then the paircheck and the WCFB. On the board: 1 They use 2 They chose 3 added 4 you can reach 5 They are expanding 6 They are building 7 You could buy 8 They describe The next task: Teacher stiks three paper on the board or the wall. Students will be devided in three group. Instructions: Complete the facts with the correct passive and guess the number from the box. The fastest team is the leader. They students check what each group has done. Then the whole class feedback will be done. The next practice activity. Students make groups of two. Each of them will receive a different handout. One will say a sentence in active. The other will reformulate it to be passive. Then change the papers. Then the whole class feed back will be done

Stage 4 - Delayed error correction (2-3 minutes) • To correct possible mistakes.

While having the last practice activity in pairs, teacher listens to them and write down their mistakes. If appropriate, use repeat utterance, reformultion, ask a question error corrections methods.

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