Zinat Zinat

Intermediate level


Ss learn the vocabulary about bringing up the children based on two listening tasks about a TV program in which a couple are being interviewed on this topic. The lesson starts with a small discussion. This is accompanied by a vocabulary matching along with a gap-filling activity which covers the blocking vocabulary in the listening. The listening task is composed of two activities. First, Ss listen for specific information and then answer some questions which require understanding the gist of the listening. In the end, Ss have a free discussion to say which couple they advocate and why.


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Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about bringing up children in the context of a TV program interview which is followed by a more detailed listening task for which Ss must have understood the gist of the interview.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To pre-teach the blocking vocabulary of the listening task and provide an opportunity for a freer speaking practice.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I ask Ss if they are a parent or not. If yes, what type of father or mother are they? If no, what do they think is the best way to bring up a child? Here I try to involve students in the topic and activate their schemata about the topic.

Pre-teaching of vocabulary (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the main task by clarifying and practicing the blocking vocabulary

A list of 11 words which are assumed to hinder understanding the listening task are presented with their corresponding definitions in a matching activity. Ss have to work in pairs and match the definitions to the words. After a healthy majority of the class have answered, the answer key will be given to the Ss to check and correct their answers. The pronunciation of the words will be drilled very briefly too. To check if Ss have understood the meanings of the vocabulary clearly, they will work in pairs again to fill the gaps with the vocabulary. The answer key will be projected on the WB so that Ss can check and correct their answers.

While-Listening #1 (10-14 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

Students will be introduced to Rachel, George, and Hayley and look at their photos. They will be asked to express what they see and predict what type of father and mother or child the people in the photos are. Then, they will listen to a recording about a TV program interview with Rachel and George. For the first activity, Ss listen for both specific information and gist and underline one of the two alternatives for each statement. If the majority of Ss have not answered the questions, the recording will be played again until most of Ss are able to answer the questions with confidence. Then, volunteer Ss will be called on to underline the correct alternative on the WB.

While-Listening #2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

Now, Ss have to make inferences based on the interview and guess the two statements belong to whom in the listening. They should write G if they think it’s George’s opinion and R if they think it’s Rachel’s. The T monitors while Ss are answering to support them if they have any problems. Next, they will be asked to work in groups and check their answers. Later, they listen to the recording and check their answers. Volunteers will be called on to write the answers on the WB.

Post-Listening (3-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to integrate what students knew with what they've learned to have a fluency speaking practice

Students will be asked to share their opinions about bringing up children and say which parent they advocate, Rachel or George, and why? This provides an opportunity for a freer practice after doing several controlled and semi-controlled activities.

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