Feray Feray

A2 level


In this lesson, students will learn regular and irregular verbs in past simple tense through guided discovery based on a reading text about the inventor of World Wide Web (www). The lesson will start with reading for gist and specific information where students will find the marker sentences for guided discovery. This will be followed by clarification of the language and controlled practice. Finally, students will be able to practice target language through some freer practice


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of regular and irregular verbs in simple past tense in the context of inventors

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about the inventor of World Wide Web(www) in the context of inventors


Lead in (2-4 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the reading text

- T shows the pictures of three contemporary inventors on the board(Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates) - T asks students what they know about these people and have them discuss in pairs. - Students shares their ideas and after 1-2 mins of discussion, teacher asks their ideas. - T tries to elicit the verb invent or the noun inventor asking some questions(Did they make or design something new? Was there facebook before Mark made it?) - If students are not able to tell the words, T gives them. (invent (v): making or designing something new, inventor(n): person who makes or designs something new). - Students are ready to meet the reading text.

Reading for gist (3-5 minutes) • To practice reading for gist and familiarize students with the text

- T show the HO1 to students which will be folded so that students can't see the questions for specific information and instructs them to read the text quickly and answer the first question ( What did Tim Berners-Lee invent?) - T also instructs them to read the text individually and ask icqs (Are you reading fast or slowly? Are you reading with your partners or alone? How many questions are you going to answer?) - Once students finish, they compare theirs answers with partners. - T gets WCFB for the answer and writes it on the board

Reading for Specific Information (6-9 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information and get students' attention to marker sentences

- T asks students to unfold the HO and see the two questions. - T tells students that they are going to read the text again but this time slowly and answer the questions. - T instructs students to read individually and asks icqs. (Are you reading fast or slowly? How many questions are you answering? Are you working with your partners or alone?) - Once students finish answering the questions, they check their answers with their partners. - Finally, Students check their answers in the AK and T underlines the sentences in the text on the board. (He invented the World Wide Web in 1989 and He went to live in the United States. - T checks if everyone has got the same answer.

Focus on the Language (10-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify the target language through guided- discovery task

- T tells students to turn their paper over and shows HO2 to students and tells them we have two sentences here from the reading and some questions about the sentences. - T instructs students to answer all the questions on the paper individually and asks icqs (Are you answering all the questions? Are you working with a partner?) - When students start answering the questions, T offers support to students who are having difficulty with the task. - If students have difficulty working alone, T instructs them to work with their partners and help each other. - Once everyone finish the task, T clarifies the meaning pronunciation and form on the board.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide controlled practice focused on using the language accurately

- T chests HO3 and tells students that there are some verbs from reading text on the paper. - T asks students to find the past forms of the verbs in the text and answer the questions below. - T instructs students to work individually and asks icqs ( What do you write next to these verbs? Where can you find the words? Are you working together or alone?) - Once students finish, they check their answers in pairs and T invites some students to write the answers on the board. - Students check their answers on the board and T teacher models and drills the pronunciation of the verbs.

Freer Practice (4-7 minutes) • To provide freer oral practice and use the language productively

- Students sit in groups of 4 or 5. - T gives each group a set of verbs in different colours. - T instructs students to use the past form of the verbs and try to make sentences and one person from each group writes sentences on a paper. - Later, students share their sentences with bigger groups. - After students share their sentences, T elicits the correct answers for some of the errors students made during the task.

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