Osama Alasswed Osama Alasswed

In fashion, clothes
Elementary, A1- A2 level


In this lesson, students will learn about clothes vocabulary through vocab items, reading texts and dictation. The lesson starts with a discussion about shopping and clothes. This is followed by a test of their knowledge about clothes. Then they will be taught the new vocab via various activities. Finally there is a free practice via speaking about clothes in their wardrobes.


Abc HO
Abc Pictures
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary about clothes in the context of reading texts and pictures

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading: to teach vocabulary through reading texts


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the the topic and prepare students to the following activity and engage students

- T projects many pictures of clothes shopping malls and centers. - T asks students about the pictures to elicit the word "clothes" from them. - T shows pictures to explain how to pronounce /th/ sound and drills it.

Test #1 (5-7 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

- T shows a picture of two people: a man and a woman packing their suitcases and want to travel somewhere and are selecting clothes that they will take with them. - T asks SS to work in groups of 4 to discuss the kinds of clothes the man and woman are going to take. - After the SS finish discussion, T asks one of each group to tell him about the items they think the travelers will take. T repeats the same question to other groups. -T monitors students during the discussion and writes some notes.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify Meaning, pronunciation and form of the vocabulary items

- T directs SS to HO1 which includes pictures of clothes and words. - T asks SS to look at the pictures individually and match correctly with the words. - After SS finish, they pair-check the answers and the teacher corrects them with the students on the WB. - T drills words he discovered to be difficult for students. - Teacher use CCQs when clarifying the meanings: - Do we wear it in summer or winter? - Is it for men or women? - Do wear it in the upper body part or lower body part? - Is it for cold or hot weather? - Is it long or short? - Do we feel warm when we wear it? - T focuses students on HO2 which is three reading texts and three pictures of three persons. He asks SS to read the three paragraphs and match with the pictures of Michael, Yolanda and Libby. - SS when finished compare the answers with their pairs before the teacher writes the answers on WB. - T now sets a dictation task through crossword in HO3. T asks students to look at the pictures and fill in the crossword individually. when they are finished, SS Pair-check answers with their partners and finally the teacher asks SS to fill in the crossword on WB.

Test #2 (4-6 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and their understanding ofc lothes plural nouns

- T gives students HO4 to fill in the table with nouns that can be only plural and nouns that can be singular/ plural. SS do the activity individually - SS can refer back to the list words in HO1 to fill in the table. - T monitors and takes notes. - SS pair-check their answers, when they are finished, then T shows the answers on the WB. - T clarify vague meanings or uses to students.

Semi-free practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free speaking practice of the target language

- T divides the class into A,B,C,D groups -T tell SS that they will discuss the three questions in HO5 in pairs (2As,2Bs,2Cs,2Ds) and change persons every time they finish discussion. - T now is monitoring students to find some errors. - When pairs finish all discussions, teacher ask students who found a similar person to him in terms of buying and wearing certain clothes. - T highlights errors on WB and ask students to correct them.

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