Robert McAskill Robert McAskill

Listening lesson with the context shopping
Elementary level


In this lesson students learn about shopping through a listening task. The lesson will start with a lead-in picture then listening tasks for gist, specific information and detail. There will be group activity games and there will be a freer speaking activity at the end.


Main Aims

  • To develop SS listening skills through listening for gist, specific information and detail in the context of shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice new vocabulary through a speaking activity about shopping


Stage 1 (Lead In) (2-3 minutes) • To familiarise the learners with the topic of the listening activity

- Project PPT picture of Migros supermarket - Ask SS what they see in the picture - Have students talk in pairs about what there is/are in a supermarket to activate knowledge from the previous lesson - Elicit ideas from the class

Stage 2 (Pre-teach vocabulary) (3-5 minutes) • To pre-teach vocabulary students will need to understand the listening and complete the task

- The SS will be given pictures on the WB of some important vocab for types of shop (Bookshop, department store, newsagent's, butcher's) - Ask the students to discuss what the things are in pairs - Elicit the meanings from the students - CCQ to make sure they understand (Do they sell vegetables? Are there many types of shops?)

Stage 3 (Listening for gist) (3-5 minutes) • To ensure students understand the main idea of the listening task

- Give SS a HO with a question to answer about the listening task - Ask SS to look at the questions quickly then get ready to answer the questions individually (ICQ - Are you reading quickly or slowly?) - Play the recording 5.8 - Pair check the answers and write them on the WB

Stage 4 (Listening for specific information) (5-8 minutes) • To give students practice in hearing specific information in a listening task

- Give SS a HO with three dialogues that they will listen to - Show SS that they will be filling in the gaps with numbers or countries individually (ICQ - Are you writing only words? Will there be a city?) - Play listening track 5.8 once and have SS fill in the blanks, play again to be sure of answers, monitor while listening and stop task if SS don't understand - SS pair check and then check answer key - Listen one more time and write which shop the customers are in - Feedback on the WB

Stage 5 (Listening for detail) (18-20 minutes) • To check that students can find details in a listening activity

- Give SS a HO with a picture of 2 people in a newsagent - Direct students to the vocabulary beneath and ask SS to check they understand the words for 1 minute individually (ICQ - Are you working in pairs? Will you check slowly?) - Put SS into groups of 6 using A, B, C... (ICQ - How many people in a group? Will you sit here or here?) - Tell SS to find the items in the list below together in their groups for 3 mins - Display picture on the WB and tell SS they will play a game where they will circle the word that I call out. One student will circle at a time, first group gets a point (ICQ - Will you come to the board together or one at a time?) - Play the game for 3 mins or until the words have all been used - Now tell SS they will listen to recording 5.9 and they must tick any of the items from the list that they hear (ICQ - Are you ticking the things you hear?) - Play the listening track again and this time students must also try to match the definitions to the words they have ticked - Have the SS pair check answers then show them on the WB - Ask SS what is the POS for the vocabulary and then practice pronunciation and drilling (CCQ - Do you write on it? Does it have a picture? Do you stick it on a letter?)

Stage 6 (Speaking task) (8-10 minutes) • To allow SS to develop oral fluency by using the TL

- Put SS in pairs and tell them they will write a dialogue about going to the shops - Remind them about the dialogues in the previous activity and tell them they will expand on them - They will write from the view of shop assistant and customer and ask for 5 of the items on the list - They must have at least one item and give a price for the item - The customer will then bargain to reduce the price (ICQ - Choose a student and demo the activity with them) - They will then be put in rows and in A and B and one group will be shop assistant and the other customer and change after one minute - Feedback any errors on the WB then SS will do the task again at least twice more (time permitting) - Feedback anything else that comes up in the activity

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