Hilal Ustek Hilal Ustek

everyday english, listening
bigenner level


Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about Iveta town in the context of everyday english

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of places and activities in the context of everyday english


lead in (3-5 minutes) • to eliciting some place names reladed to pictures and giveing the new once

t- introduces herself and shows the girl on PPP ( Iveta) -t gives ss the place names written and they stick them under the picture. "a chemist's, a railway station, a post office, a clothes shop, a cafe" -t drills the vocab -t writes the vocabs on the board shows the stress and phonetic.

pre listening teach vocab (3-5 minutes) • to eliciting some activities can be dont in the reviewed place names reladed to pictures and giveing the new once

-t gives the cards of the activities and ss stick them under the pictures. "have a coffee, buy some aspirin, post letters, catch a train, try on jumper" -t drills the vocab -t writes the vocab on the board shows the stress and phonetic.

pre listening (2-3 minutes) • to go over the unknown vocabularies which are in the listening

-On the PPP they will see the pictures they might not know -T drılls and wrıtes the words on the board `return ticket, jumper, changing rooms, stamps` in order ss to revise or learn the important key words of the listening

while listening (5-7 minutes) • ss will be able to put the topics correct order

-Ho, which will be folded, will be given to ss. -they will listen to the conversations for the first time and put the topics in correct order. -they will have to put the topics in correct order. -for the bf they will work with their partners. -at the end the correct order will be given to the students by the t

while listening (5-7 minutes) • to be able to fill in the blanks they will listen to the conversations

-t asks is the students can remember what can come to the blanks. Elicits if they can do if not ; -t plays the listening and while they are listening they have to fill in the blanks. -t if they have hard time t plays the audio again of if its enough they work with a partner for fb.

practicing the target language (5-7 minutes) • ss will be able to practice `Can I `

- after ss are done with listening t says "Can I have a return ticket?` `Can I try this jumper, please?` and asks for other sentences from ss. `can I post these letters to the Czech Republic, please? `Can i have three' please? `Can I have a coffee please` (t writes on the board) `Can I have some aspirin' please?` -After t writes one sentence on the board ans asks the CCQ`s 1) Is she asking for something?(yes) 2) Does she want tea? (no) 3) Is she nice?(yes) - T asks the structure of the can I -T drills the sentence.

pre practice (3-4 minutes) • to get students familier with the conversation they will do

-t shows a ppp and changes some of the words in the sentences in red. I: Can I have a return ticket to Oxford, please? (Oxford change to Ankara) A:Sure. I: How much is that? A:twenty two pounds fifty, please.( fifty turkish lira.) I: Can I pay by credit card? A: Put your card in the machine. And enter your PIN number, please. -then t puts them in groups of 2 or 3 and tells each group to change the parts they want in the conversation but each group will go over one conversation.

speaking (8-10 minutes) • ss will have a freer speaking about using `Can I...?`

-t puts them as peers and one s will change the parts they want on the conversation and write it on a piece of paper and when they are done t will hang them on the board . -ss will go over the classroom and talk practice all the conversations with their partners.

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