Tuğba Tuğba

FSM University
Pre-intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of past continous and past simple in the context of composers that lived in the past

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide read for gist and detailed information practice with a text about famous composers and speaking for accuracy in the target language


Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • to activate Ss' schemata and to prepare them for the reading text

T tells Ss they will listen to three pieces of music and asks them to match the pieces with the adjectives that they think describes them best. Then, T asks Ss to talk in pairs as to what they thought about the pieces regarding the adjectives. After Ss have talked, T elicits answers from some of the pairs. Here, there can be unknown words most probably these are catcy, irritating and sentimental. T explains them to students and then asks some concept check questions to assure Ss understanding. Such as: 1) If a song is catcy, do I want to listen to it all the time? 2) When something is sentimental, can it make me cry? 3) If a song is irritating, do I like it?

Read for gist (7-8 minutes) • To make Ss practice reading for gist

T asks Ss to read the 3 texts about the composers and match them with the pictures A,B and C. Then, T asks Ss to check their answers in pairs first, then T elicits answers.

Read for specific information (6-7 minutes) • To make Ss read for specific information

T gives Ss a piece of paper on which there are three titles about the three texts they have read. T asks them to decide which title goes best for each of the texts. T tells Ss to work in pairs again and then elicits the answers from the students. The titles: 1) Composer in the train 2) The cat in the music room 3) Stranger Musician

Read for specific information (7-8 minutes) • To make Ss read for specific information

T draws Ss attention to Exercise 5 in which Ss have to correct the given sentences according to the text. T asks Ss to work in pairs again and then elicits the answers after they have finished.

Grammar (7-8 minutes) • To present the target language

T draws Ss attention to the grammar section. This will be a whole class activity. She shows the sentences on the board and asks Ss to match the sentences with the rules. This guided discovery approach helps Ss to discover the rules of the target language themselves. T asks some concept check questions to check Ss understanding. Then, T moves on to the chart and highlights the form on the board and deals with Ss questions if there are any.

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • to give Ss an opportunity to practice the target language in a controlled activity

T asks Ss to do Exercise 6 with their partners. Before taking whole class feedback, Ss will have a chance to practice the newly learned target language in a safe environment. In this gap fllling activity, Ss will write the correct form of the given verbs. After Ss have finished, T elicits answers from them and write the answers on the exercise shown on white board.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To give Ss more opportunity to practice the target language

This is another gap filling activity to help Ss more to understand the target language. T asks Ss to work in pairs again and elicits the answers from them after they have finished and then highlights the answers on the board.

Freer Activity (10-12 minutes) • To give Ss an opportunity to practice the target language in a less controlled activity

As in a grammar lesson, the activities move from controlled to freer like this one. In this activity, Ss are expected to write sentences using past simple and past continous using while and when. But before the activity, T asks some of the students to change their seats to couple them with different pairs to maximize student interaction. Ss write sentences in the allocated time and T elicits answers from the students and write the answers on the board.

Freer Activity (10-12 minutes) • To make Ss practive the target language with a production skill

To end the lesson with a production activity to enable Ss to practice the language with speaking, T focuses Ss attention to exercise 9. Here, students are asked to ask each other questions as to what they were doing at a particular time in the past using the time expressions given in the activity. Here, Ss are expected to produce the target language with little guidance. To maximize Ss interaction and benefit from the speaking activity at the most, T asks Ss to change partners twice after they have finished talking to a partner. This way, Ss will have the chance to talk to three different students. While Ss are busy on task, T monitors them without interfering because at this point fluency is more important.

Delayed Feedback (4-5 minutes) • To help Ss with the accuracy

While monitoing Ss, the teacher either takes notes or marks in her mind some of the students mistake concerning the target language. She writes the sentences on the board and asks the students whether they think these sentences are okay or what is wrong with them and how they should be corrected. This helps Ss both to see some of the mistakes and give justifications about them.

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