Robert McAskill Robert McAskill

Reading about civil rights lesson
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson SS will develop their receptive skills by reading about the civil rights movement. SS will practice sub-skills like reading for gist and detail including a jigsaw activity. SS will develop language skills by focusing on vocabulary through matching activities and drilling. The lesson will conclude with controlled and freer practice to improve productive skills by doing speaking activities.


Main Aims

  • To develop SS reading skills through a text about the civil rights movement by practicing reading for gist and detail

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary such as 'segregation and boycott' in the context of the civil rights movement


Stage 1 (Lead In) (2-3 minutes) • To introduce students to segregation and clarify the context of the lesson

- Show SS a picture of a zebra trying to use segregated toilets - Elicit from WC ideas of what they think is happening in the picture - Have students discuss picture and think of any examples of separation they can think of in daily life e.g. smokers/non-smokers

Stage 2 (Pre-teach vocabulary) (5-6 minutes) • To pre-teach vocabulary students will need to understand the text and complete the task

- Give SS HO with vocabulary important to the text and ask them to discuss the meaning with a partner for 1 min (ICQ) - Give students definitions mixed up and ask SS to match the vocab to the definition with a partner for 2 mins - Give students answer key to check answers

Stage 3 (Reading for gist) (3-4 minutes) • To give SS a general overview of the text and understand the main idea

- Explain to SS they will be given a text that they must read quickly (1-2 mins) (ICQ) - Direct them to a main idea Q at the bottom of the page by chesting and tell them after they have read the text they will answer the Q individually (ICQ) - Give the HO and have them read and answer the Qs - SS check answers with a partner - Write 1-4 on the WB have SS come to the front and write one of their answers

Stage 4 (Reading for detail) (15-20 minutes) • To practice reading for detailed comprehension using a jigsaw activity

- Put SS in groups A, B, C and have SS identify their groups by raising their hands and show them where they will sit (ICQ) - Have SS move to their groups taking the HO - Give SS the folded HO with questions and main ideas sections - Direct SS to the letters A, B,C on the paragraphs of the text - Tell they will read the paragraph with the letter of their groups for 3 mins and answer the two T/F questions (ICQ) - SS check answers to their questions in their groups - Have SS check the back of the paper for the answer key - SS unfold the paper to go to the main ideas sections - The section has 3 lines for main points the students think are important from their text - SS read again for 3 mins and fill in at least 2 important points they can find in their text - SS discuss the main points in groups and fill in any blank spaces they may have - Demo the next part of the activity by having one SS from each group come to the front and show they will be working in a group with one A, B and C (ICQ) - Have students get into groups - Show students Qs about the text PPT - Explain that students will use the previous HO to give information to their group about their part of the text for 1 min - SS will then complete the Qs PPT for 3 mins in groups without looking at the text (turn it over, ICQ) - Show SS the answer key on PPT

Stage 5 (Reading for inference) (8-10 minutes) • To practice reading for inferred meanings of the TL

- Explain SS will be looking at the full text to find the meanings of TL (ICQ) - Give SS TL meanings HO and have them complete in the same groups and write POS next to the definition for 3 mins - Direct students to answer key on reverse of HO to check answers - Display TL on PPT and practice intonation by first stressing the wrong syllable and eliciting if this is correct - Show correct intonation by displaying stress pattern dots next to the word - Drill pronunciation in groups and individually

Stage 6 (Speaking task) (8-10 minutes) • To allow an opportunity to react to the text and personalise the topic using TL

- SS think of a courageous person in the history of their country and have them think of ways they could explain what they did using the TL for 2 mins - SS stand up and move around the class explain to different partners for 1 min at a time about the person they have chosen - Move around and monitor that SS are trying to use TL - Give WC feedback on if they used the TL accurately

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