Gaye Gozde Gaye Gozde

Teaching Practice 4
Elementary level


This lesson is prepared to be a receptive skills lesson. In this lesson, the students will be encouraged to listen to the particular texts for gist listening and detailed listening. Also, the students will be exposed to the topic of functional language through the context of showing interest. Furthermore, through the end of the lesson the students will be encouraged to use the target language with provided speaking activities


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Main Aims

  • To provide practices of listening for gist and detail

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide practices of speaking of the target language in the context of showing interest


Stage 1 (Lead in) (7-8 minutes) • to draw the students attention to the context

I will start with showing them a picture of Istanbul. I will ask "Where is this?" "What is it?" "Do I live in Istanbul?" "Do I like Istanbul?" etc. I will say and write 3 things that I like about Istanbul. I will say "These are my favourite things about Istanbul. Please talk to your partner about 3 of your favourite things about Istanbul and find out what your partners favourites are.". I will elicit the question form before the task. When finished, I will randomly nominate students to tell the whole class about their partners favourite things

Stage 2 (Gist Listening) (5-6 minutes) • To provide the students the practice for gist listening

The students will listen to the listening text and they will match each conversation with one picture. When finished I will have them check in pairs. I will have the task on board as well and I will write the answers as the students say them. Here, I will ask "Why?" "How do you get it*" "Why is it this one?" to be informed about the way students see and understand the task

Stage 3 (Detailed Listening) (5-6 minutes) • to provide the students with the practice of detailed listening

For detailed listening I will be using Listening exercise 2 from the coursebook. They will listen to 4 tracks and they will circle the correct answer. I will have them check in pairs first then I will have the task on board. I will give whole class feedback. I will wirte down the answers as the students say them. I will again ask "Why?" "Why is it B or C*"

Stage 4 (Introduction of functional language) (15-16 minutes) • to introduce the topic of functional language in the context of showing interest

I will give the students hand outs with 3 dialogues written on them. I will ask them to read the dialogues and circle the same words. I will let them check in pairs first then I will have the hand out on board. I will ask again and circle the repeating words on board as they say it. I will ask "Do they repeat?" "Why?" "Why are these words the same?". Hopefully they will provide with some answers but either way I will act out one of the dialogues from the hand out. I will nominate one student to be A and I will be B. First I will read my part without showing any interest. I will be looking some other way or I will not nod etc. Then I will ask the students if thats a good listening. Hopefully they will say no and I will try to elicit the characteristics of a "bad listening" by asking them "Why?" "Did I do this?" "Is it bad?" etc. I will have them on board under the bad listening title. Then I will act out the dialogue again but this time with showing full interest. I will nod, I will make huh a-ha sounds, I will repeat etc. I will ask the students if it is the same as before. I will try to elicit the characteristics of "good listening" and have them on board. I will put an emphasis on which one is good, positive and which one is bad, negative by asking CCQs. I will connect showing interest to good listening. I will check the concept and the meaning by matching the characteristics of the good language to showing interest. "Do you nod while showing interest?" "Do you repeat?" I will move on to the Ex. 3. I will do the first one myself. I will have them pair check before I give wholeclass feedback

Stage 5 (Practices of the Target Language) (8-10 minutes) • to provide the students enough time and adequte material to practice TL

I will give them a find someone who activity. I will have them walk around the class, ask each other the written questions and write down the names of the people they ask. This should take about 4 min. Then I will have them work in pairs. They will talk to their partner about what the get (e.g. Fetiye doesn't like spiders) For both speaking practices, the students will be encouraged to use the techniques that we covered to show interest.

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