Tatyana Fokina Tatyana Fokina

In a cafe (Food)
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson, students learn how to pronounce different prices, currencies and how to order food in a cafe. The lesson starts with the consolidation of numbers which is followed by listening activities, aimed at getting students understand prices and currencies. Finally, there are activities for memorizing vocabulary related to food in a cafe and questions that can be used while buying.


Abc Eat in or take away HO
Abc Eat in or Take away Presentation
Abc R3.10
Abc R3.11
Abc R3.12
Abc R3.13
Abc R3.14

Main Aims

  • Listening and speaking. To provide fluency and accuracy in pronunciation and use of the language related to the topic "In a cafe".

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary. To provide the new words and phrases for the topic "In a cafe"


Stage 1 (Quick review) (5-7 minutes) • to engane SS in the lesson by remembering some family related vocabulary that they have learnt

Divide the class into two groups by handing out papers of 2 colours (orange and violet), get the students sit according to the following colour pattern: orange-violet. Elicit from the SS all the questions we can use to find out personal information (What's his/her name? Is he/she your mother/father/sister/brother/grandfather/grandmother? How old is he/she? Where is he/she from? What's his/her job? Is he/she married or single?). On the paper I will ask SS to write 2 names - a male and a female and ask each other, trying to get as much information as possible about the name, age, country, marital status, job, relation to the speaker. As a feedback I'm going to ask a couple of SS to speak about one person from their partner's list.

Stage 2 (Money and prices) (15-20 minutes) • to revise the numbers and introduce new vocabulary connected with money and prices

I'm going to show the SS 2 pictures of money (or I might use realia - notes and coins) and a price tag and try to elicit from them the words "Money" and "Price". By using realia try to elicit different currencies from the SS - Turkish lira, American dollar, Russian ruble, British penny; then I'll show them the international signs for the currencies and elicit from the group the name for the currency (GB Pound, American dollar, Euro) and countries that use them. Give some examples to SS of how to say the prices: $12 - twelve dollars, £ 5.95 - five pounds ninety-five, € 0.70 - seventy cents. Organise individual work of SS by giving HO matching task - SS do the task and check with the partner, then together they listen to R3.10 and repeat. In the same pairs get the SS work on the next exercise. Pre-teach the question "What's A/B?" SS take turns to ask each other the prices: S1 points at the picture and asks the question, S2 says the price, then vice versa. As FB we listen to R3.11 and check the way the prices are pronounced. Provide more listening by working with 5 conversations (R3.12). The task for the SS is to listen and write down all the prices they will hear. As the FB ask SS to exchange their seats with the person who has the same colour paper from Stage 1 (orange-orange, violet-violet) and check their partner; write the answers on the board for them to check themselves. - When we go to a cafe or a shop and we want to buy something we need to know the price. How do we ask about the price? (try to elicit the question, probably some SS will remember it from the dialogues.) Address the SS to ex.4 in their HO and show a slide - ask them to complete the questions with Is or Are. Get some early finishers to write on the board, then listen to the R3.13 and check.

Stage 3 (In a cafe) (15-20 minutes) • to introduce the words connected with food we can buy in a cafe, activate SS productive speaking skills by asking for prices

- What is you favourite cafe? (get some answers from the SS) - That's very nice but today we will visit Cafe Pronto, it's new, very good and not expensive. I will show you some food they have and the menu of this cafe. You need to match the picture with the food or drink. Address SS to the menu and show the pictures of the food. In pairs SS do the matching task, as FB get S1 show the hot drinks, S2 - cold drinks, S3 - food. Together listen R3.14 and practise saying the food and drinks. Reorganise the group into 3 groups by handing out the cards (tea, espresso, cappuccino) for a Memory Game. - Now I want you to turn your papers face down (illustrate) and look at the board for 45 seconds. Try to remember as many drinks and food as possible. When 45 sec are over get the SS work in their groups and write down all that they can remember - one person is writing, all the other are helping. (give 1 min for this activity) Exchange their papers in groups and check, get the winner (who remembered more words). Finally, arrange SS in pairs by giving cards with the words "waiter" and "customer" and get the SS practice the questions "How much is...?"

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