Osama Alasswed Osama Alasswed

Youth movements, cultures and fashion statements
Upper Intermediate, B2 level


In this lesson, the students will read a text which is an article about various youth movements in London in the second half of the 20th century, from the Teds in the 1950s, the Hippies in the 1960s, the Punks in tho.e 1970s to the Goths in the 1980s. the article describes what inspired these young people to form those particular youth culture, and talks about the fashions they wore and the music they listened to.


Abc HO
Abc segments
Abc Cut-up
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To practice reading for gist, specific reading and detail reading in the context of "Fashion Statements".

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary: compound adjectives in the context of "Fashion Statements".


Warmer (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students' interest

Warmer: I will present four pictures on the board and ask: - What do these pictures refer to? - Do these pictures represent past events or still we can see them in the present?" - Are you/ do you know any one who is a member of any social group that wears particular clothes or listens to certain kinds of music? - Imagine that all of your friends joined a group like these. Will you join?

Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Pre-teach vovabulary

- I will use photos to elicit/ give the names of the groups ( Hippies, Teds, punks and Goths) - I will write the names of the groups on the board and ask students to work in pairs to guess and match. - I will use this time to pre-teach words from the reading that might be difficult for learners. Learners will do a practice of matching pictures with definitions working individually then checking in pairs and with the teacher

Reading for gist (2-4 minutes) • To encourage students to read for gist/ general understanding and for the learners to get an overview of the text

- Students will be given segments including 4 questions about dates and names. they will scan the text and quickly try find the answers. - When finished, students swap papers and check the answers with the teacher.

Reading for specific information (4-6 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information and to further familiarize learners with the text

I will give the students cut-up including questions and they will read the text again as quickly as possible to answer with True/ False. when they finish, they swap papers with partners and check the answers with the teacher.

Reading for detail (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to practice reading for detailed comprehension so that learners understand the text in depth

I will read the question in ex. 3 and make sure that learners know all of the definitions. Students will read the text in detail and match the youth cultures A-D in the text to the words 1-14. After they finish, they check answers with a partner then with the teacher.

Post- reading Task (3-5 minutes) • To allow an opportunity to react to the text and develop oral fluency on the topic

Teacher will ask students to work in groups of three or four to discuss the following: If one of you belongs to a certain youth culture, tell the others about its fashion and music. Or if you were to choose one of the old fashions mentioned in the text, what you would like to choose.

Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To have an idea about compound adjectives

Student will move to Vocabulary ex.1 in the HO which contains the beginnings of compound adjectives and their endings randomly. I will ask students to work on their own to match them correctly. Then they check answers in pairs and with the teacher.

Controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • To focus on using language accurately

Teacher will move students onto ex.2. Students will be asked to match compound adjectives in ex.1 to the definitions a-g. students will work on their own, check answers with a partner and then with the teacher.

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