Seda Seda

Seda Sanlı-Grammar/ Relative Pronouns and Relative Clauses
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson SS revise the function and meaning of Relative Pronouns.This is followed by presentation and practice of Relative Clauses.


Abc Task 1

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Relative Pronouns and Relative Clauses in the context of talking about people , things and places.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of talking about people , things and places.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Put the pics of the men on the WB& write a number above each. -Tell the SS that you are thinking of one of the people. -Say a sentence( He's the man who's got a beard or He's the man who's bald) -Write up the sentence yıu used and point out the rel.pron. and rel.cla. - Repeat the activity with a few more different examples.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situtation.

-Guess what game. -SS choose one of the Istanbul pictures and write sentences about eachto clearly identify which one they choose. ( It is the place that is/that has..) -Working i pais SS read their sentences to another student who must identify the place in the pic.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the Relative Clauses.

-Use WB to teach the FORM There are 2 different kinds of relative clauses Non-defining relative clause: The students,who walked to the top of the hill, saw a large eagle. We use commas at the beginning and ending of the clause. The us some extra info about the students but does not define who they are.It answers the questin ( Can you tell me some more about the students?) Defining relative clause: The students who walked to the top of the hill saw a large eagle. The and defines exactly which students we are talking about.It answers the question( Which students?) -Draw the picture from Scrivener's 'Teaching Englisg Grammar' pg.273 on the WB -Ask what is different between the pictures ( In pic A ALL the students went up the hill.), -Ask WHO SAW THE EAGLE Answer: In picture A-all the students In picture B-only some students -Write the following two sentences on the WB: a) The students,who walked to the top of the hill, saw a large eagle. b) The students who walked to the top of the hill saw a large eagle. - Ask which goes with which sentence. Sentence (a) goes with picA & sentence(b) goes with picB MEANING & USE A provides essential info that helps us to identify which person/thing is being talked about. eg.: The teacher gave the stickers to the boy ( We might ask WHICH BOY?) The teachet gave the stickers to the boy who did the best work( The did the best work-tells us EXACTLY which boy is being referred to. It identifies & defines the boy.It restricts the meaning down to one specific boy A simply gives us some extra info about the noun/noun phrase. eg: The teacher,who had just come into the room,gave the stickers to the boy.( The had just come into the room-does not define which teacher is involved.It simply offers some additional interesting info about the teacher. PUNCTUATION Non-def.rel.clauses are usually written with a comma at the beginning and a comma at the end. If comes at the end of a sentence,we use a full stop instead of a second comma. eg.: Bill was a senior police officer,who joined the force back in 1982. The commas have a similar effect to brackets or dashes.: Tom-who had been granted leave-was home for several weeks.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-Set the pairs first -Tell SS that in pairs they are going to prepare a quiz by using some photos of Istanbul. In pairs ask SS prepare a few descriptions using rel.clauses taht could be used as a general knowledge quiz pictures they have chosen. -Use ICQs -Give SS the photos. -If one of the SS do not understand the activity pick a student and model the activity. eg:It's the place where RTE,the prime minister of Turkey, uses as his study.It's a place -

Free Practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-Life changing moments -Write sentence starters with relative pronouns on WB for SS to fill in & discuss. -1-A day when my life changed was.... 2-The person who influenced me when I was growing was... 3-The most interesting story of my life is about a man/woman.. 4-When I was 20 I met the most important person of my life...

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