Tatyana Fokina Tatyana Fokina

People and Places, To Be (plural) in positive and negative sentences
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson SS will read an email about travelling and learn about the plural form of the verb "to be" in positive and negative sentences. This will be followed be an active and intensive drill of the grammar forms through a listening activity and more reading.


Abc Presentation
Abc HO Email and gap completion
Abc HO Grammar and practice
Abc HO True/False task

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the positive and negative plural forms of the verb "to be"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about travelling abroad


Stage 1 (Pre-text) (3-5 minutes) • Pre-teach some vocabulary from the text, get the SS interested in reading the email.

Show the photos of a hotel, a restaurant, a room, an Internet cafe, ask the SS to match the pictures with the words that describe them. Elicit from the SS adjectives that can be used to describe these places. Pass on to the photo of Dan and Sally - encourage SS to ask each other questions about their names, country they are from, their jobs. Ask the questions containing new words - Are they (Dan and Sally) nice? Are they ugly? Is it cold? Where are they?

Stage 2 (Text) (10-15 minutes) • Gist reading of the email to provide SS with the information they will use to work with grammar tasks;

Tell the SS that they are going to read an email of Dan and Sally and to say where they are. Specify that they will have to look for 3 places. Ask ICQ to check the understanding of the instruction. Provide HO, give SS 1 min to read, elicit the answer to the main question. (If possible ask extra questions - Who is in Moscow? Who is in London?) Organise SS into groups of 3, provide HO to discuss what statements about the email True and which are False. Get the feedback from the SS by discussing the False points and correcting them. To provide more detailed understanding organise individual work by asking the SS to complete the collocations with the vocabulary explained before the reading. Get the feedback by asking some SS to write the answers on the board.

Stage 3 (Post-text) (15-20 minutes) • to present and activate the use of positive and negative plural forms of "to be"

With the whole class brainstorm the use of the personal pronouns in relation to the number of people, after add the positive forms of "to be", match them with the pronouns and add a negative particle "not". Show the slide and provide the HO, ask SS to complete the table individually, after that check with the partner. Get the feedback by writing on the board, model the pronunciation and drill with the SS. Stress the fact that "they" can be used for both people and things. Pre-teach the word "contraction". Listen and complete some gapped sentences with the contractions; get the SS to circle the contracted forms. Ask several SS to complete the gaps on the board to check. Listen one more time and mirror the pronunciation of the contracted forms. Organise some controlled practice by providing some HO with one more email (reply to the 1st email). Get SS work individually and choose the correct form of the verb "to be" in a positive or negative form; get the SS exchange their works and check; sho the correct answers on the board. To check the understanding of the email present a slide with 3 multiple-choice questions. Get SS read the questions out loud and answer then together as a group.

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