Jennifer Jennifer

7A - Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will revise food vocabulary and study the article usage with countable and uncountable nouns. They will also learn about the usage of "some" and "any" with these forms for both positive, negative, and question statements.


Abc Food Realia
Abc Powerpoint
Abc Whiteboard and markers
Abc Youtube videos for background music
Abc Powerpoint
Abc Powerpoint

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have received clarification of and practiced articles and determiners used with countable and uncountable nouns in the context of food.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have reviewed countable and uncountable food and drink nouns.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will check meaning of "breakfast" and ask students to brainstorm things that people eat and drink for breakfast. Teacher will demo this on the board and then turn it over to pairs. Set Task: "What is breakfast? (write on board after answer) Now in pairs, you will write down as many things that people eat and drink for breakfast as you can. For example, what is something people eat? Drink? in pairs. You have two minutes." Teacher will ask for a few people to share some of their answers. Set task: "Now, ask your partner what they ate for breakfast this morning."

Exposure / Clarification (13-14 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through realia and clarify meaning, form, and pronunciation

T will then show realia to set context. "This is what I ate for breakfast this morning. What is this? (teacher will elicit all food/drink names) So this morning, I had....(Ss: a tomato). I also had.... (Ss: an apple). This morning, I had ________(a tomato and an apple). DRILL. What else did I eat? (egg) I had _______(an egg). Now did I have one egg? (no, two) How can I say this? (two eggs, some eggs) I put something in my eggs. What is it? (salt) Can I say a salt? (no) Why? A/an many? (one) Can I count the eggs? Can I count salt? So salt is....uncountable. What about this? (coffee - a coffee vs. some coffee) What did I put in my coffee? (sugar) so I had ______(some sugar) in my coffee. What else did I eat?" "Now, I want to know if there is coffee. How could I ask?" (Is there any coffee?) What about eggs? (Are there any eggs?) Is there any rice? (no) How can I say this in a longer sentence? (There isn't any rice.) Are there any cookies? (There aren't any cookies.)" Teacher will show a positive sentence using a, an, and some on the board, a negative sentence using isn't /aren't, and question forms for both on PPT after it is drilled.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T models exercise and students complete the chain. Set Task: In my kitchen, I have an apple. (Ss name), repeat - In my kitchen, I have an apple AND..... ask someone else..." Chain in open pairs keeps going until each student has gotten practice.

Semi-Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

In pairs, Ss will be either A or B. Each person will have a checklist of food and drink. They will stand/sit back to back so one person is facing the tv and one person is facing away. Student B will ask student A questions about what food is on the screen. Ex: "Are there any eggs? "Yes, there is an egg. No, there aren't any eggs. Then, they will switch. Set task: "You will be in pairs. Each person will get a paper with food and drink. One person will look at the tv. There will be a picture like this. Your partner will ask if each thing is on the picture. For example, DEMO WITH STRONG STUDENT." ICQs: Are you working in pairs? Is student B asking the questions? (yes) Is Student A saying the answers? (yes) Are you writing long answers or writing a tick on the paper? (tick) Are you using a, an, and some in your answer? (yes)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T gives students a shopping list of items and Ss have to choose five items they want to buy. Ss then have to find 2 co-buyers for their item to buy it. Set Task: "Here is a shopping list. Choose five things you want to buy. (students circle items) To buy your things, you need to find two people who also want to buy it. Try to buy all your things." T shows model language on PPT and demos with two students. "You have five minutes. How many people do you need to buy? (2) Are you going to write words or tick? (tick) T monitors and provides delayed error correction at the end.

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