Eleni Papadopoulou Eleni Papadopoulou

teaching practice 8b
Intermediate (B1) level


In this lesson, Ss will get familiar with second conditional sentences. The transcript of a recording will help them identify the TL and also set the context for the grammar clarification.Through controlled-practice activity Ss will practice their new TL. A semi-controlled-practice activity will follow up where Ss have to create their own second conditional sentences with the words provided. In the freer practice, Ss will have to write their own sentences.


Abc Hand Out 1
Abc questions and pictures for lead-in
Abc Hand Out 2
Abc Hand Out 3
Abc Hand Out 4
Abc Hand Out 5

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of second conditional sentences in the context of electrical equipment

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of sentences in the context of electrical equipment


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show pictures of electrical equipment on the WB. Ss talk in pairs and answer the questions: 1) What kinds of electrical equipment do you have at home? 2) What do you use them for? 3) How often do you use them? Ss have 2 minutes for that. Listen to some of the Ss' ideas.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss are given HO1 with the modified transcript of the recording that they listened to in the previous lesson. They read and underline all three sentences that start with IF. They work alone. They have 3 minutes for that. ICQs: 1) Are you going to listen or read? -Read 2) Are you going to write or underline?-Underline 3) Are you working alone or with your partner? -Alone How much time do you have for that? 3 minutes. Pair check and WCFB via HO2

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

In HO2 Ss will get their answers from the previous activity. They see at the top of the HO the three sentences that start with If. 1) If my car had one, life would be so much easier. 2) If we didn’t have it in the office, I wouldn’t get much work done. 3) If we didn’t have it at home, I wouldn’t get any sleep at all.

Clarification (10-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

In HO2 Ss see now the three second conditional sentences. They work in pairs and do activity 1 (3 CCQs) of the HO2. They have 3 minutes for that. Peer checking and WCFB on the WB. Ask if there are any questions about the meaning that these words carry. If there are any questions, use CCQs to clarify further the meaning. ICQs: Are you going to write or listen?-Listen Are you working alone or with your partner?-With my partner. How much time do you have?- 3 minutes. Then, ask Ss to move on to activity 2. Here Ss will try and give the form of the second conditional sentences. They work in pairs. WCFB follows up. Nominate Ss to give me the answers and I write them on the WB. Then, in the HO2 they answer another question about the reverse form of second conditional sentences. They will have to go back to the text, find and underline three more second conditional sentences. They work alone. They have 3 minutes for that. Pair checking and WCFb follows up. Project the three If-clause sentences on the WB and do some quick drilling of the pronunciation using backchaining and highlighting the rising and falling intonation.

Controlled Practice (4-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss will be given HO3 and in pairs (possible regrouping) will complete a "fill in the gaps" activity. They have 4 minutes for that. ICQs: Are you working alone or with your partner?- with the partner. Are you going to write or listen?-Write How much time do you have? 4 minutes. For checking Ss stand up and compare their answers with the other Ss. Then, they sit down and they unfold their papers to find out the Answer Key. Ask "Do we all agree with the answers?" "Are there any questions?"

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ss are given another HO4 where they have to create second conditional sentences with the words provided. They work in pairs and they have 6 minutes for that. Pair checking and an Answer Key is given to them to check their answers. Ask "Are we ok with that?" "Do we have any questions?"

Free Practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will be given HO5. They will have to write on their own: 1) three things that are really useful to them 2) three things that they don't have, but would like to have Then, for the second part of the activity Ss will have to think and write down: "How your life would be different with or without these things". I will give an example in order for the Ss to understand the activity. Example: If I had car, I would go on trips often. When they finish, and if time permits, they talk with the other Ss. Monitor and delayed error correction is provided at the end of the activity.

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