Marat Aghamuradov Marat Aghamuradov

TP3 - Stress Reading
Elementary level


in this lesson students will have practice reading and listening for specific information.


Abc slide show
Abc board/markers

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson the students will have practiced reading for specific information and deducing meaning from context in the context of describing stress levels.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice listening for specific information.


Lead in (2-3 minutes) • To engage ss and generate interest in the topic. Set up context.

T will show short video about stress at work. CCQ: Where is he? What is he doing? Why is he doing this? Is he stressed?

Reading for gist. (5-7 minutes) • To practice reading for gist.

T will distribute HO1. Set Task: Look at the picture. Read the text quickly for main idea. You have 2 min. ICQ: Are we going to read or write? Are you going to read quickly or slowly? Are you going to read for details or for main idea? Do we need to understand every word? How much time are you going to have to read?

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To get feedback

T will ask questions below: Look at the questions on the top. What is the main idea? Who is the text about? Is Louisa stressed? How stressed is Louisa? Why is she stressed?

Pre-Teaching (5-7 minutes) • To clarify lexis essential for understanding the text.

guide at home cycle canteen pick up babysitter story T will mime the words above. SS will guess the meaning.

Reading for details (5-7 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information.

T: Read the questions. You have 1 min. Are you going to read the text or the questions? Are you going to have 1 minute for this? SS will read the question in handouts. Then they need to find the answers from the text. Read the text carefully. Find the details. Underline the answers. You have 2 minutes. ICQ: Are you going to read quickly or slowly? Are you going to read for the main idea or details? Do you need to answer the questions? How much time are you going to have?

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To compair SS answers

T: Work in pairs. Ask your partners. You have 1 minute. ICQ: Are we writing? Are we reading? How much time do we have? Are you going to work alone or in pairs?

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To confirm answers.

T will ask question by question. SS will answer the questions. T will write the answers on the board.

Listening for details (5-5 minutes) • To practice listening for specific information.

T: Listen to the audio. Plays audio. T will distribute handouts with pictures. T: Listen carefully. Put the numbers in squares. Demonstrate the task. I travel 55 miles... put #1 in the square next to 55miles sign.

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